Chapter 26 - Alpha

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"You've greatly enamored me,"

"And I am disgusted by you, a thousand times more,"


"It is time,"


Hero sprung to life, jumping up slightly as he landed on both of his feet softly, creating a small thud on the ground as he then cracked his knuckles, for he had already grown numb to the feeling of waking up to a new Area, he decided it was best to start warming up.

Immediately, Hero took a deep breath, closing his eyes and relaxing, focusing and healing what little bits of magic he had lost, even the tiniest grain would be important, after that, he slowly opened his eyes, and he began to look left and right, front and back to check the new location.

The entirety of Area 6, much to his surprise, was a completely pitch-black void, with no gradient, and no shadows, it was just ultra-black, and before him was a large, foreboding Castle, far larger than the one in Area 4, and before it, were multiple large meteors, seemingly acting as its pathway to the entrance.

After that short evaluation, Hero turned his focus and attention to Justice, his only ally now, he thought, who he saw was sitting on the edge of the grey, rocky platform they stood on, they seemed to be staring down at the void below, Hero had believed they were also preparing themselves for the upcoming fight, not only physically but mentally, which would indeed be needed now.

"...So," Justice blurted, already sensing Hero's presence, smiling as he used his arms to push himself upwards, performing a backflip as he landed perfectly on his legs, before looking at Hero directly, the two sharing a gaze of preparation.

"Are you ready?"

Hero nodded in response as the two twisted their body to look at The Castle in front of them, standing at 5 stories, and yet far larger than any other structure they had seen along their journey, covered in moss and dirt, and yet despite it all, it remained its elegance.

"Without further ado..." Justice spoke as Hero walked in first, taking the first step onto the meteor pathway, it shook violently at first, but slowly calmed down, yet despite the initial reaction it did not upset Hero's balance once.

"Let's save what remains," Hero said, the familiar aura of a lost hero taking him for a split second, but then drifted away as the two were marching and focusing on what was beyond the meteor pathway, the large thick entrance doors at the end of it, and the moment they went in, there would be no such thing as turning back now.

The atmosphere grew denser as the sound of their cold, unbridled footsteps was the only sound in that lifeless void to contrast its dull nature, and yet the two only felt dread and nervousness as they trekked closer.

"So, Is there anything you can tell me going into this?" Hero froze momentarily, speaking with a tone of curiosity while the two stood idly on the meteor that held them up.

"Ah, well... A lot of assassins and guards, all of which are... Hm... Simply, The King dislikes unwelcome visitors, that alone should be enough explanation," Justice replied, Hero letting out a small breath escape in approval as they two continued to walk along the path, almost halfway through.

"Why does this place seem so familiar..?" Hero questioned himself in his thoughts, as both he and Justice finally made it, and stood in front of the Entrance Door.

The two took one deep breath, closing their eyes and opening them back up as their magical aura leaked throughout their body, they got into a back stance, staring at the door, hopes and despairs filling the atmosphere as they charged and blasted through the door, opening it wide as it's old frame creaked loudly, but yet softly as the two slid across the marble, grey floor due to how fast they had ran into the entrance.

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