Chapter 30 - Omega

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Throughout and about a large, lengthy chess board, many of the pieces were thoroughly and cleanly lined up, not even a centimeter was off.

There were two empty chairs, both on opposite sides of the table the board rested on in that dark, dreadful, lonely abyss, though, regardless if it were empty or not, the gears would shift regardless.

And so, the pieces, one could say through an unknown force or a demonic presence, began to play by itself, oscillating ever so slightly yet with a hint of clear restraint, but eventually as all things do, one piece finally moves.

And so the pawn moves on file E, rank 4...

Hero dashed forth on The King, pulling back his fist as he then swung it out, releasing a burst of miniature ice dragons to which The King only stood there idly, their rings flickering in color before the ice dragons suddenly shattered into multiple crystals, some of them even throwing back at Hero, who dashed back multiple times to avoid this odd counterattack, with The King not even raising so much as a finger.

From behind, Justice attempted to send out small bullets of light hurling at The King, but the shattered ice shards suddenly rearranged themselves in such a precise way it caused those bullets to deflect off of all of them, returning to Justice who had a shocked expression on their face as they merely absorbed all the bullets back into their body.

"What..? I couldn't control them manually after they shattered..." Hero looked on, puzzled for a moment before shaking his head, a serious look overtaking his previous reaction as he began riding on a hailstorm, slid his way to The King's side, before stretching out both of his arms and letting out a heinous blast of magic at The King, around 5% of his magical pool being poured into that condensed blast, causing a massive shockwave outwardly and inwardly which strangely began to rupture some of the space around them.

As it dissipated, The King flew out, with a magical barrier surrounding them, which took every single bit of damage the beam of magic could have given, but the moment they put down the barrier, Justice swooped in, and while making his way he sent a roundhouse kick to The King's neck, who only lifted their hand, blocking it with ease as Justice switched legs, shifting over to his left leg, balancing on his other and dropping down, trying to sweep The King off his legs.

The King only hovered upward as one of their rings began to spin violently once more, and as Justice looked up, he looked in annoyance before they were suddenly blasting away with a sudden beam of magic, sending them flying over to Hero who summoned an ice wall to cushion Justice's knockback, turning it into water at the last second, to which it did so successfully as Justice got up back on their feet, albeit, slightly scarred and scratched from the initial attack.

"Unforgivable..." Hero spoke out, his eye slightly twitching as they looked up at The King, who then outstretched both of their hands and in that instant, hundreds of magic orbs appeared from behind them in a barrage as they began circling each other like a neutron star.

"Control yourself, Hero... I've got a half-decent idea," Justice said with a nervous grin on his face with an exhausted tone before throwing out one of their arms, a few dozen magic pellets hurling at The King's which then exploded like a row of gunpowder, creating a smokescreen that not only obscured The King's vision but their sense of magic too, for a moment at least.

With an immensely powerful shockwave of wind, the magic gunpowder blasted away with a mere command from The King, who, with no distraction any longer turned to look once more for the duo, but with Hero and Justice no longer to be seen as their presence had seemingly disappeared, even amongst the stars, beyond the outer layers of the galaxy they floated idly in there was not a hint of their presence there.

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