Chapter 6 - London

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"This place feels familiar, but at the same time, It feels rather new, perhaps a feeling nostalgic for memories I never had," Hero commented as he stood next to Justice, admiring the foundations of the city from afar, it was for sure larger than Area 1 by a landslide.

But then they noticed all of it was on a large, dark red platform, with a large bridge connected to the Rift Platform Justice and Hero stood on, though it seemed like it was not a Magic Bridge, thankfully.

"You go first," Justice said, as he stared at the bridge as if he was thinking of something.

"Okay, If anything happens, do cover for me-" Hero said, but as he took his first step it suddenly passed through the bridge, it turned out it was indeed a Magic Bridge in the disguise of a normal one, it had caught Hero off-guard for his magic was completely off.

Luckily Justice reacted and moved quickly, grabbing Hero by the collar and pulling him up before he fell to god knows where within that endless, bottomless void.

"You have to be joking," Hero remarked in a clear frustrated tone as he sighed, realizing that this place, in one way or another was trapping its residents, though, at least they looked happy, unlike those within Area 1, Hero thought as he then activated his magical aura.

"I think we know what this calls for," Justice said, grinning as he raised up a finger gun, as he pulled back his sleeve, and as he did so, ignited a spark of light on his fingertip, giving the illusion of a gun cocking back as he looked at Hero, who seemed unamused.

Though what Justice was implying was right, it seemed like there was gonna have to be a massive cleanup in this Area, Hero thought.

"Well, then we should not waste any more time, let us go," Hero said, scratching the back of his head as he took a step on the bridge once more, this time, with his magical aura activated.

"I'll be right behind you, pal," Justice said as he waited for a bit, before activating his magical aura as well and following Hero on the bridge.

"What did you mean when you said that this was not the Area 2 you were expecting?" Hero asked out of curiosity.

"Ah, well, you see, this entire place used to be a kingdom of sorts, my best guess is he finally made reservations," Justice responded back as he chuckled, while Hero was skeptical of who this 'he' was, most likely the Guardian of Area 2, they better stay on guard then.

The two soon passed the gate or entrance, upon strolling into the city both of them were quite surprised to see it looked a bit larger on the inside, it was very intriguing, and not only that, they saw hundreds of shops and street vendors.

But what was most outstanding was the large castle from afar that seemingly watched over the city, it yielded 5 large floors, Hero guessed that this could possibly be where the Guardian of Area 2 lives, but so far it seemed everything is okay.

"I suppose he still kept his castle," Justice said as he grinned.

"Is there anything I should know about going into this?" Hero questioned as he turned to Justice.

"Well, my memory is a bit foggy since the last time I actually met him was a few years before I was trapped in Area 0, so I can't help you that much unfortunately," Justice said, crossing his arms as he sighed.

"Speaking of, how long were you trapped in that place for?" Hero questioned as the two began to walk along the streets, passing by multiple of the residents who just seemed to be enjoying their time, allowing Hero to be relaxed until then, although they were given some weird stares but other than that everything was fine.

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