Chapter 28 - Delta

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At the top of The King's castle, the fifth and last floor, its interior lined with hundreds of marble pillars, spatially disorientated to make it seem far larger than on the outside, physics breaking as everything was floating, debris and many particles of magic, ever so slightly making up for the lack of floor, below was an endless black void with hundreds upon thousands of stars all basking in each other's glory.

In the center was one last large grey island of pure rock and dark granite, sat a large, silver throne with divine decoration as what sat on it was a large, grey, old individual in heavenly robes who stood as large as 80 feet, with it being nearly half as they sat down.

Their long well-kept beard reached to their waist, it darker than his initial flesh, their breathing sensation echoing across the room like a disastrous quake aching to be released while their intimidating aura matched the quaking and rippled along like a ferocious stream of steaming water.

The King's arm lifted from its rest, shaking the room as if an ancient earthquake had terrorized everything that existed.

They then swiped their hand, creating a gust of wind as seemingly out of thin air, three heavenly rings, shining beautifully in the following colors of green, purple, and yellow as they spun around each other in a triangular formation.

"Alpha, Epsilon, Omega," The King uttered in a heavy tone, like that of a crumbling mountain as their long beard swayed side-to-side while their sleeves wooshed along with the wind.

"My faithful servants..." The King spoke, in a far louder and gratifying tone.

"Fight under me, once more, sacrifice even your life," The King commanded as the three rings began to spin around violently along each other, far more violently as the illusion of a bright white ring was formed before them as they suddenly disappeared in a flash, swiftly reappearing behind The King's throne in uniform.

The King then slowly sat back down on his respective throne, the entire room rumbling hastily as the magic that leaked out of his body began to supply and strengthen the three rings that sat by The King's throne.

"Battle the true hero that ambles," The King rested their chin on their head, staring intently at the void below, viewing the near-endless stars it had to offer, before closing their eyes.

Elsewhere, within the 3rd floor of The King's Castle...

Justice departed all of his particles into light, avoiding a flying boulder thrown at him before reforming back to Hero's side.

Hero stomped his foot on the ground, sending out a wave of ice spikes towards Terra who in response, tramped his leg into the ground, summoning pointy spikes of earth and rock similar to Hero as the two elements clashed violently, shaking the 3rd floor of its near entirety.

Terra slowly raised his foot, prepared to shoot a beam of magic through the spikes since they were in a blind spot, unfortunately, Justice beat him to that as a beam of light burst out of his side of the attack, forcing him to just narrowly dodge as it made a small cut of blood on his left cheek.

Through that large hole came sliding in was Hero, who jumped off the rocky walls of Terra's creation and attempted to strike them in the face, however, they were able to block the initial attack, swiping away Hero's fist as they sent a kick towards their ankle, knocking them slightly off-balance, but they played right into Hero's hands as he used this to put himself down, raising his legs at Terra's torso before using his hands to push himself upward, sending a devastating slanted handstand kick which sent Terra flying into a wall, at least that was what would have been had they not summoned a wall of rock early to negate the knockback.

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