Chapter 7

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"What the fuck? Who was that guy flirting with you?" Yukti yells at me as both her and Tanisha follow me while I leave her question unanswered, taking long strides towards the lift

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"What the fuck? Who was that guy flirting with you?" Yukti yells at me as both her and Tanisha follow me while I leave her question unanswered, taking long strides towards the lift.

Now as the three of us are inside the lift I know there is no running away from the interrogation.

The position they both found us in I'm sure where their thoughts must be running, all in one direction.

What do I do? If I tell them that was Krish Rajvansh, teasing me, or 'flirting with me' as they would like to describe it as, they are going to freak out.

And if they get to know this was not the first time I met and had him dropping me off, they are going to get mad.

Fuck not right now, I can't handle these mad women and the fangirls within them. Not like I'm going to meet him again or they are going to find us in the same situation again.

This was the first and last time.

"Vrinda tell us who was he? How can you not tell your bestfriends about you getting a boyfriend? And here I was planning to share each and every detail of my wedding night in future with you both" Tanisha's dramatic ass starts rambling, shaking me by my shoulders while I just roll my eyes at her. Nuisance, these both are total nuisance in my life.

"He is not my boyfriend," How much I wish he was! *Sigh* His taste won't be so bad, he has a chain of beautiful women chasing after him, he must have even forgotten about me.

"Then who was he? And why would he flirt with you?" Yukti asks calmly, the two of them keep staring at my frame so intently that I start feeling uncomfortable under their gazes.

"Guys let's get inside first, then we can discuss about this, okay?" I plaster a sweet smile on my face as I get out of the lift with both of them and we make our way towards mine and Yukti's room.

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