Chapter 2: Not one but two broken hearts

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Wonwoo sighed, blowing the smoke out in a slow, deliberate stream. It was another day he decided to show up at his girlfriend's university to pick her up, hoping to surprise her so they could check out the new café that had just opened. Ignoring the disapproving glances from passersby, he crushed the butt of his cigar under his shoe once it burned out.

After a while, the university gates opened, and Wonwoo straightened up, watching as students poured out in groups, laughing and chatting with their friends. His eyes fell on the same guy Jia was with yesterday. Seeing him alone, Wonwoo wondered where Jia was but decided against asking the boy directly.

Just as he dismissed the thought, he noticed the boy walking towards him, causing his head to tilt in confusion.

Wonwoo watched the boy approach, his curiosity piqued. The boy seemed a bit hesitant, glancing around as if making sure he was heading in the right direction.

"Are you for real?" the boy demanded, stopping right in front of Wonwoo. Wonwoo frowned, standing straighter, his chest nearly brushing against the boy’s, who was clearly trying his best not to step back and run away.

"What?" Wonwoo asked, genuinely surprised by the boy's rude behavior.

"What do you mean, what?" The boy seemed to be collecting the right words in his mind. "What kind of cousin are you? What kind of cousin flirts with his own cousin?" he said, looking at Wonwoo with disgust. Wonwoo felt a wave of embarrassment as he noticed the surprised looks from some parents standing near the gate.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Wonwoo replied in a low voice, moving closer to the boy, who took a step back, gripping his backpack tightly. Looking into his eyes, Wonwoo could see the boy was trying hard not to be intimidated.

Cousin? Jungkook? His only cousin who lives in Busan? Why would he flirt with him? And besides, his cousin has a boyfriend, but that's beside the point.

"Yes! Cousin! Stop flirting with Jia! Isn't she like your little sister?" the boy said, and Wonwoo felt his head spin. What on earth was this kid talking about?

"What kind of creep are you? Stalking your own cousin and flirting with her?" The boy places a firm hand on Wonwoo's chest and shoves him back.

"Cousin? Jia?" Wonwoo tries to keep his voice down, not wanting to make a scene in front of the university.

"Yes, Jia! Stop stalking Jia! Stop stalking my girlfriend!" The boy's words make Wonwoo clench his fists, and before he can even process what's happening, he swings.

"Why the hell are you calling my girlfriend yours?" Wonwoo growls, grabbing the boy by the collar and pinning him against the concrete wall. The boy's eyes widen in shock.

"W-what--" he stammers, and Wonwoo glares at him.

"What—that can't be true," the boy says, and Wonwoo's grip loosens as confusion takes over.

"What do you--"

Before Wonwoo can finish, the boy breaks free and starts running. Wonwoo frowns, then instinctively takes off after him, his feet pounding the pavement as he chases the boy who's trying to disappear from sight.

Wonwoo's mind raced as he sprinted after the boy, weaving through the crowd of students who scattered out of their way. The boy darted around a corner, and Wonwoo followed, his breath coming in sharp bursts.

"Hey, stop!" Wonwoo shouted, but the boy only quickened his pace. Wonwoo could feel the heat in his legs as he pushed himself harder, determined not to lose him.

They burst out of the crowded campus and into a quieter street. The boy glanced back, panic etched on his face, but he didn't slow down. Wonwoo's frustration grew.

"Just stop for a second!" Wonwoo yelled again. Finally, the boy skidded to a halt, leaning against a lamppost, gasping for breath. Wonwoo slowed down, approaching cautiously.

"What's your problem?" Wonwoo demanded, still panting. The boy looked up, fear and confusion in his eyes.

"This can't be true," the boy says, his eyes filling with tears. Wonwoo grits his teeth, standing tall and trying to keep his composure.

"What can't be true?" he asks, his tone edged with irritation.

"Jia can't be your girlfriend... she—she can't—"

"And why the hell not? Who even are you—"

"She can't be your girlfriend because she's dating me!" the boy finally shouts, his voice echoing off the alley walls. Wonwoo freezes, watching the boy's shoulders slump as he sinks to his knees.

"She's my girlfriend. How can she be your girlfriend?" the boy sobs, the question seeming more for himself than for Wonwoo, who stands there, trying to make sense of the situation.

"This can't—" Wonwoo's voice trails off as he feels his steps falter, his mind racing.

The boy stands up slowly, his face streaked with tears. Wonwoo catches a glimpse of his anguished expression before the boy turns and bolts, his footsteps echoing down the alley.

Wonwoo remains frozen for a moment, his mind spinning with confusion and disbelief. The weight of the revelation presses down on him, making it hard to breathe. He watches the boy's figure disappear around a corner, feeling the cold reality of betrayal settling in.

He walks back to his car, his mind swirling with the events of the day. Sitting inside, he starts the engine and drives to his apartment, replaying everything in his head. His phone pings with a text, and he blinks, reaching for it. It's a message from Jia.

I miss you! ❤️                                   -2:45

Wonwoo stares at the message, his grip tightening around his phone. The words feel hollow now, their warmth overshadowed by the confusion and betrayal gnawing at him. He drives on, the city blurring past, as he tries to piece together the tangled web of Jia's deceit.



Why is so hard for people to confess that they just fell out of love? Instead they choose to cheat? Make it make sense pls

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Why is so hard for people to confess that they just fell out of love? Instead they choose to cheat? Make it make sense pls..

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