Chapter 18: Sip, sip, surprise!

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"You are not going to start drinking until they arrive," Jihoon declared, snatching the bottle from Hoshi's hand with a quick, deft movement. Hoshi narrowed his eyes, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

"But why?" he whined, circling Jihoon like a predator eyeing its prey. "They won't even know that I had a sip or two." He reached out, attempting to reclaim the bottle, but Jihoon's glare was as sharp as his words.

The pink-haired male pushed Hoshi out of the way with a firm yet gentle shove, striding purposefully towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, but we're short on beer, babe," Jihoon said over his shoulder, emphasizing the pet name with a knowing grin. He knew just how much Hoshi loved those sweet, casual endearments. "And if you drink it now, you won't get a drop afterward."

Hoshi pouted but couldn't help the slight flush that crept up his neck. The nickname had its intended effect. With a resigned sigh, he nodded and walked away, but not before shooting Jihoon a final, lingering look.

Tomorrow was going to be Jihoon's first day at work, and to celebrate, he, Hoshi, and their friends had decided to come over and indulge in beer and good company. As Jihoon slid the pizza into the oven, the doorbell rang. Hoshi sprang to his feet, popping a chip into his mouth as he made his way to the door. He opened it to find a smiling Jun, a neutral Wonwoo, and a panicked Mingyu.

"Oh hey! Come in!" Hoshi exclaimed, stepping aside. Junhui waltzed in as if he owned the place, while Wonwoo followed, straightening Junhui's shoes, which he had carelessly left at the doorstep. Mingyu trailed behind, clutching Wonwoo's jacket.

Mingyu had originally wanted to skip the party, and Wonwoo was fine with it until Mingyu showed up in the evening, announcing he'd join. Wonwoo suspected it had something to do with Jia, but he didn't mention it, simply letting Mingyu in.

"Yo, man! You remember me, right?" Hoshi bumped his shoulder into Mingyu, throwing an arm around him. Mingyu looked up and smiled.

"Of course, I do," he replied, and Hoshi grinned wider.

"Thanks for coming. This means a lot for me and my cute little boyfriend—"

"Yah, Kwon Hoshi!" Jihoon's voice cut through the air, making Hoshi jump away from Mingyu. Wonwoo shook his head in amusement while Mingyu looked around, clueless. He turned to Wonwoo, who gave him a 'see for yourself' look.

Then, a pink-haired male walked out of the kitchen, an apron tied around his waist. Mingyu took in his short stature—he'd probably only reach Mingyu's chest—but the expression on his face screamed 'don't mess with me.'

Jihoon's eyes zeroed in on Hoshi, who was now sidling back toward Mingyu. "I told you to help with the setup, not flirt with the guests," Jihoon chided, his tone half-serious, half-affectionate.

Hoshi put his hands up in mock surrender. "I'm just being a good host, babe," he said, flashing a cheeky grin.

Jihoon turned his attention to Mingyu, his expression softening slightly. "Hi, you must be Mingyu. Hoshi's mentioned you," he said, extending a hand.

Mingyu shook it, a bit nervously. "Yeah, that's me. Congrats on the new job, Jihoon," he said sincerely.

"Thanks," Jihoon replied, a small smile forming. "Glad you could make it."

Junhui, already making himself at home, called out from the living room, "Hey, where's the beer? I need to toast to Jihoon's new job!"

Wonwoo, ever the practical one, added, "And where's the pizza? I'm starving."

Jihoon sighed but couldn't suppress a smile. "The beer's in the fridge, help yourself. The pizza will be ready in a few minutes."

Mingyu, still a bit flustered, managed a smile. "It smells great in here."

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