Chapter 14: Coffee guy needs to pay!

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"You won't talk until I introduce you myself..."

Minghao nods, a smile playing on his lips.

"You are not gonna blabber stupid shit about me, too..."

Minghao nods again, this time with an exaggerated roll of his eyes.

"You will--"

"God! Shut up! You are acting like I'm your mom, and I'm gonna spill every embarrassing moment of your life to your boyfriend," Minghao snaps, flipping his hair dramatically. He leans, shifting his weight onto his left leg, hand on hip like a diva striking a pose.

Mingyu just nods, looking up at the imposing dormitory building, trying to hide his growing anxiety. When Minghao heard about Mingyu's new "friend," he was overly eager to meet Wonwoo.

Something about "understanding the plot better," whatever that meant. But then again, it's Minghao. His actions are a whirlwind of unpredictability, better left unquestioned.

Minghao's excitement was palpable, practically vibrating with curiosity. He'd been relentless, pestering Mingyu with questions about Wonwoo for days. Now, standing in front of the dorm, Minghao was ready to unleash his full, unfiltered self.

"Just don't do anything weird, okay?" Mingyu pleads, his eyes darting nervously from the building to Minghao.

Minghao chuckles, "Weird? Me? Never." He flashes a obvious grin, making Mingyu even more anxious.

As they step inside, Minghao's flamboyant energy is impossible to ignore. He strides confidently down the hallway, his presence demanding attention. Mingyu follows, praying silently that Minghao won't turn this meeting into a spectacle.

They both walked up to Wonwoo's dorm, and Mingyu rang the bell. He side-glanced at Minghao, who was looking around in awe. "Gyu, this place is dope as fuck," Minghao said, his mouth open slightly as he traced his hands over the walls and fake plants.

Mingyu nodded in agreement just as the door clicked open, revealing Wonwoo. His tousled hair and glasses perched on his nose bridge made him look like he'd just woken up from a nap. He was dressed in a white tee and grey sweats, looking effortlessly relaxed.

"Oh? Mingyu? Come in," Wonwoo said in a low voice as he stepped aside to let them in. Minghao threw a grin at Wonwoo, who grinned back awkwardly.

"What brings you here? Thought you were busy with your mid-term?" Wonwoo asked, walking towards the couch.

"Today was the last exam," Mingyu said, slumping on the couch, with Minghao plopping down beside him.

"And who's this?" Wonwoo asked, tilting his head towards Minghao.

"This is Minghao, my best friend," Mingyu explained, launching into a brief summary of how he had told Minghao everything, which explained why Minghao was so excited to meet Wonwoo.

"Honestly, I'm so happy that hoe got exposed," Minghao said, leaning forward with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. Wonwoo looked at him with a stunned expression.

"Honestly, I'm so happy that hoe got exposed," Minghao said, leaning forward with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. Wonwoo looked at him with a stunned expression.

"You talking about Jia?" Wonwoo questioned, raising an eyebrow. Minghao pulled a face that quickly led him into a fit of giggles.

"Two-timing two handsome guys? Woah, the audacity! Good riddance, I say." Minghao crossed his legs dramatically and mimicked snapping a phone shut with flair. Wonwoo burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the room.

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