Chapter 32: Cheaters deserve defeaters.

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"Okay, bye." Mingyu smiles, sending the text before closing his phone and thrusting it into his back pocket. He glances at his reflection in the mirror, making sure he looks his best. It's Jia's birthday today, and he wants everything to be perfect.

"Babe!" Mingyu bites his lip, turning his head to see Jia walking in. She's wearing a black dress that accentuates her figure, her face glowing with a touch of makeup, and her hair cascading over her shoulders.

"Hey," Mingyu greets as she steps closer and wraps her arms around him in a warm hug. "I'm so, so happy today," Jia beams, her cheeks puffing up into bread cheeks as she smiles widely, her arms now around Mingyu's neck.

"You deserve to be, it's your birthday after all," Mingyu smiles, gently ruffling her hair. She nods, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"I can't believe you planned all this for me," Jia says, glancing around the room decorated with fairy lights and flowers. "You really went all out."

"Only the best for my girl," Mingyu replies, his voice soft and affectionate. He takes her hand and leads her to the door. "But this is just the beginning. I have another surprise for you."

Jia looks at him curiously as he opens the door to the living room. She gasps as she sees all their university friends and parents gathered, the room filled with laughter and music.

"Surprise!" everyone shouts in unison.Jia's eyes fill with happy tears. "Oh my God, Mingyu! You did all this?"

He nods, beaming. "I wanted you to celebrate with everyone who loves you."

Jia rushes to hug her parents, who shower her with birthday wishes and hugs. Her friends surround her, all excited and eager to celebrate.The living room is a vibrant scene of joy.

Fairy lights cast a warm glow, and balloons in various shades of pink and gold float around the ceiling. A long table is laden with delicious food and drinks, with a large, beautifully decorated birthday cake at the center.

As the night goes on, the party is in full swing. Mingyu and Jia move from group to group, enjoying the company of their loved ones. The room is alive with chatter, music, and the clinking of glasses.

Mingyu's mother, Mrs. Kim, approaches Jia with a warm smile. "Jia, my dear, happy birthday! You look stunning tonight."

Jia smiles, hugging her tightly. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Kim. I'm so grateful for everything you've done to help with the party."

"Anything for you, dear," Mrs. Kim replies, patting Jia's hand. "You're like a daughter to me."

They chat for a while, reminiscing about past gatherings and sharing laughs. Mrs. Kim watches Jia with genuine affection, unaware of the storm brewing beneath the surface.

Mingyu pulls Jia aside for a moment, away from the crowd. "Are you happy?" he asks, his eyes searching hers.

She smiles brightly. "Happier than I've ever been. Thank you, Mingyu. This is perfect."

"I'm glad," he says, kissing her forehead. "Because you deserve nothing less."They rejoin the party, dancing and laughing with their friends. At one point, Mingyu's mother takes the microphone. "Everyone, can I have your attention, please?" she calls out.

The room quiets down, and she continues, "I just want to say how proud we all are of Jia and Mingyu. Watching their love grow over the years has been a joy. Let's raise our glasses to them and to many more happy memories!"

Everyone raises their glasses and cheers, "To Jia and Mingyu!"

"Jia! Happy birthday!" A high-pitched voice caught Jia's and Mingyu's attention. They turned to see their university friends standing together, waving excitedly. Mingyu clicked his tongue at his teammates, who were also there with their girlfriends.

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