Chapter 25: Mio tesoro & Âme

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"I have a match coming up this weekend," Mingyu said, looking at Wonwoo. They were both sitting on the couch watching a movie. Well, Wonwoo was sitting, and Mingyu was sprawled across his lap because it was more comfortable that way.

"So? Good luck, I guess," Wonwoo responded, his eyes glued to the screen. He was very invested in the movie.

"Thank you," Mingyu said, staring up at Wonwoo. No matter the angle, Wonwoo always looked handsome—whether from below, above, the side, or anywhere in between. He looked particularly cute in his round glasses, scrunching his nose to focus on the movie.

"I want you to come to the match," Mingyu then said, causing Wonwoo to tilt his head and look at him.

"What?" Wonwoo asked, raising an eyebrow.

Mingyu cleared his throat. "I want you to come to the match."

Wonwoo frowned. "You know I can't," he said, shaking his head.

"But whyyy," Mingyu whined, sitting up with a pout. "Are you allergic to fresh air? Will the sun melt you?"

"No, but I am very much allergic to Jia, who will also be present at the match," Wonwoo says, and Mingyu just stays quiet.

"She won't be there," Mingyu finally says, and Wonwoo looks at him curiously. "Why?" Wonwoo asks. "She never comes to my games; she thinks it's a waste of time," Mingyu admits, fidgeting with his fingers. Wonwoo frowns deeply.

"What? That—it's not! Doing something you enjoy is never a waste of time," Wonwoo retorts, reaching out to hold Mingyu's pinky. Mingyu smiles, intertwining his fingers with Wonwoo's.

"I know. I don't let her words get to my head," Mingyu says, bringing Wonwoo's hand up to his mouth to peck it. Wonwoo clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth to stop himself from smiling. If he's going to succumb to Mingyu's charms, at least let him keep some dignity! For Pete's sake!

"Will you come to the game then?" Mingyu asks with wide, hopeful eyes, and Wonwoo thinks to himself that resisting Mingyu might just be the hardest game of all.

Wonwoo rolls his eyes dramatically and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in a show of mock defiance. "Mingyu, you know I’m not really into sports. I mean, all that running around and sweating... It's just not my thing."

Mingyu’s hopeful expression doesn’t waver. Instead, he scoots his chair closer to Wonwoo, their knees almost touching. "But Wonwoo, it's not about the game. It's about you being there, supporting me. It means a lot to me."

Wonwoo sighs, trying to maintain his stern facade, but it’s crumbling fast under Mingyu’s earnest gaze. "Oh, come on, Mingyu. Do you really need me to watch you run around in shorts? You’ve got plenty of fans for that."

Mingyu grins, leaning even closer, his voice dropping to a persuasive murmur. "But none of them matter as much as you do. Plus, I'll make it worth your while. After the game, we can do whatever you want. I’ll even sit through one of those boring art films you love."

Wonwoo raises an eyebrow, the corners of his lips twitching. "Anything I want?"

Mingyu nods eagerly. "Anything. Just be there for me."

Wonwoo sighs, dramatically throwing his head back as if the decision is causing him immense pain. "Fine, fine. I’ll go. But if I fall asleep in the stands, you can't blame me."

Mingyu’s face lights up, and he pulls Wonwoo into a tight hug, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "Thank you! You won't regret it, I promise."

Wonwoo huffs, but he can’t help but smile as he hugs Mingyu back. "Yeah, yeah. Just remember, you owe me big time for this."

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