Chapter 5: Grumpy wonwoo > Jia

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Mingyu stood in front of the massive dorm accommodation center, clutching his dead phone in frustration. Just as he was about to ask which room belonged to Wonwoo, his phone had died. Perfect timing. He didn't even know why he had ended up here instead of crashing at a friend's place.

Maybe it was because it was the weekend, and his friends were likely spending time with their partners. He just needed to escape from Jia for a while, and if Wonwoo was his only option, then so be it.

"How am I supposed to find his room now?" Mingyu muttered to himself, shifting his backpack on his shoulder as he walked in. The building was huge but average—so different from his own university's dorms.

As Mingyu walked down the hallway, he tried not to feel too intimidated by all the people standing around, talking. He always felt small in front of people who were even a bit rude. He hated being talked about too.

"Are you lost?" Mingyu stopped in his tracks and looked up to see a blonde-headed man staring at him.

The guy was lean, but his muscles were clearly visible through his vest and beige knee-length shorts. "Um..." Mingyu hesitated.

"Hey, no need to panic, I'm not gonna bully you or anything," the man said, and Mingyu released a breath he didn't even realize he was holding.

"You look new here and surely not old enough to stay here...are you visiting someone?" the man asked, and Mingyu nodded.

"Yes, do you know where Jeon Wonwoo stays?" Mingyu asked, and the man thought for a moment before a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Ah! Wonwoo! Yes, he's my neighbor...are you here to visit him?" the man said, and Mingyu nodded. "Come on, I'll show you his room." The man walked past Mingyu, urging him to follow.

"I'm Soonyoung, by the way, but you can call me Hoshi," Hoshi said as they walked up the stairs. "That's the name I go by around here." He turned his head to smile at Mingyu, who wondered how someone could talk so much.

"I'm Kim Mingyu, you can call me just Mingyu," Mingyu said as they walked up to the third floor.

"Okay, just Mingyu," Hoshi said, laughing out loud.

"Oh no, such a funny joke!" he added, slapping Mingyu's shoulder. Mingyu forced a smile. This was going to be interesting.

They reached the third floor, and Mingyu was already beat, feeling his lungs burn a bit. "We’re here!" Hoshi declared, opening his arms wide as if he owned the place. Mingyu just nodded, trying to catch his breath.

"Come on, this way." They walked to the left side, and Mingyu was surprised at how clean and beautiful the dorm rooms were.

"This is my room that I share with my roommate, and this is Wonwoo's room that he shares with his roommate," Hoshi said, raising his fist to bang loudly on the door. Mingyu stood behind him, bracing himself.

A click was heard before the door opened, revealing Wonwoo with tousled hair, a white tee, and black sweatpants. "Wonwoo, you have a visitor!" Hoshi announced, stepping aside to let Mingyu in. Wonwoo's face lit up with recognition.

"You’re here. Come in," Wonwoo said, moving aside as Hoshi barged in first. "Junnie!" he sang, making Wonwoo groan.

"Not you, Hoshi!" Wonwoo whined as Mingyu walked in, discarding his footwear at the door before following Wonwoo inside.

"Huh? Why not? I’m here to visit Junnie!" Hoshi pouted, sitting on Junhui's bed, who was busy tapping something on his laptop.

"Ugh, whatever," Wonwoo muttered, turning to Mingyu, who stood awkwardly. "Why did you come here with him? I sent you my room number, right?" Wonwoo whispered to Mingyu, who made an apologetic face.

"Sorry, my phone died," he said, raising his phone, and Wonwoo just frowned at it.

"Whatever, sit down," Wonwoo said, and Mingyu immediately sat on the bed, not wanting to make Wonwoo more irritated. Should I go back? he thought, but then Jia's face flashed in his mind. Nope, he could handle a grumpy Wonwoo better than Jia.

"Hi, I’m Moon Junhui," Junhui said, waving his hand at Mingyu, who waved back.

"Wonwoo's roommate," Junhui added, and Mingyu nodded.

"I’m Kim Mingyu," he said, unsure how to introduce himself. What was he supposed to say? We’re dating the same girl? "I’m Wonwoo’s friend," Mingyu decided to settle on.

Just then, Hoshi jumped up. "Hey, Mingyu! Wanna hear a joke?"

Mingyu blinked, caught off guard. "Uh, sure?"

"Why don't some couples go to the gym?" Hoshi asked, grinning widely.

"I don’t know, why?" Mingyu replied, bracing himself.

"Because some relationships don't work out!" Hoshi laughed loudly, slapping his knee.

Mingyu chuckled despite himself. Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "Hoshi, we’re trying to relax here."

"Relaxing with jokes is the best way to relax," Hoshi insisted. "Here’s another one. Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

Mingyu shrugged. "Why?"

"Because he was outstanding in his field!" Hoshi laughed even louder this time.

Junhui finally looked up from his laptop. "Hoshi, man, give them a break."

Hoshi pouted but then smiled. "Alright, alright. I’ll leave you guys alone. But remember, I’m just next door if you need more jokes!" With that, he bounced out of the room.

Wonwoo sighed, shaking his head. "Sorry about Hoshi. He’s... a lot."

"It’s fine," Mingyu said, smiling. "He’s funny."

Wonwoo just nodded as he raised a cup of ramen toward Mingyu. "You want?" he asked.

Mingyu's stomach growled in response. "Yes, please." He had left in such a hurry that he hadn’t eaten, and some ramen sounded perfect right now. Plus, he needed the energy to work on the assignment he had brought with him.

As Wonwoo handed him the steaming cup, Hoshi popped his head back in the door. "Ramen? Oh man, this place just gets better and better!"

Wonwoo groaned. "Hoshi, do you ever knock?"

Hoshi grinned. "Knocking is for people who don’t live here. So, what’s the plan for tonight? Eating ramen and staring at the walls?"

"No, we’re ordering pizza and watching a movie," Wonwoo said, exasperated.

"Pizza and ramen? Now that’s a combo! You know, speaking of food, why did the tomato turn red?" Hoshi asked, barely containing his laughter.

Mingyu couldn’t help but play along. "Why?"

"Because it saw the salad dressing!" Hoshi burst into laughter, nearly doubling over.

Junhui sighed from his bed. "Hoshi, you're killing me here."

"Come on, that was a good one!" Hoshi insisted, wiping a tear from his eye.

Mingyu just shook his head. Maybe leaving Jia and coming over to Wonwoo's place wasn't as bad as it seemed.



Why don't eggs tell jokes?
-Because they’d crack each other up! (Im sorry--😭😭😭)

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