Chapter 29: "I'm what?!"

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Mingyu's eyes blurred at the screen, water threatening to escape as he forced himself to keep staring. Finally, he felt a single drop tear down from his left eye while his right one just moistened a little, like it was half-heartedly trying to cry but gave up midway.

"You most probably are bisexual."

"I'm what?!"

The sentence glared back at him, bold and unapologetic. Mingyu groaned. "Great," he muttered to himself.

He leaned back in his chair, throwing an arm dramatically over his eyes like a character in a melodramatic TV show. Maybe, just maybe, if he hadn't taken those "How Do I Identify My Sexuality?" quizzes, he wouldn't be sitting here complicating his life. Ignorance, as they say, could have been bliss.

He imagined a life without the internet's unsolicited advice, filled with blissful unawareness. Maybe he'd still be laughing at cat videos and debating whether pineapple belongs on pizza, instead of unraveling his own personal identity crisis.

"Thanks, internet," he muttered again, waving at the screen. "You’ve really outdone yourself this time."

Mingyu sighed and scrolled back to the beginning of the quiz, remembering how it all started. It had seemed innocent enough: just a random quiz on one of those meme-filled websites he frequented. The title, “How Do I Identify My Sexuality?” had caught his eye, and with a shrug, he had clicked on it.

Question after question, Mingyu had laughed at the quirky options, choosing answers that felt right without giving them much thought. But then, as he neared the end, the questions became more personal.

“Do you find yourself attracted to people of the same gender?” “Have you ever had a crush on a friend of the same sex?” That last one had hit him like a ton of bricks.

He thought about Wonwoo. Quiet, thoughtful, and with a smile that made Mingyu’s heart do somersaults. At first, he had brushed it off as admiration, but now… now it felt like something more. Mingyu’s eyes darted to the message again: “You most probably are bisexual.”

“Great,” he mumbled, “I’m having an existential crisis because of a stupid quiz.” He rubbed his temples, feeling the onset of a headache. The realization was as freeing as it was terrifying.

“What am I supposed to do now? Make a PowerPoint presentation about it?” He could picture it: “Slide 1: Reasons I Might Be Bisexual,” complete with pie charts and infographics. Mingyu snorted at the thought, but the nervous laughter quickly faded.

He remembered all those moments with Wonwoo—how his heart raced when they were alone, how he’d steal glances when Wonwoo wasn’t looking, and how he felt a pang of jealousy when he saw Wonwoo getting too close to someone else. Kissing him continuously and randomly. It all seemed so obvious now.

“Why did it take a stupid quiz to make me realize this?” he groaned, smacking his forehead. “I need help,” he said, more to himself than anyone else.

Mingyu’s phone buzzed on the desk, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was a message from Wonwoo: “Hey, you up for a movie night?”

Mingyu stared at the screen, heart pounding. “Yeah, sure!” he typed back, fingers trembling slightly.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. “I can do this,” he whispered. “One step at a time.” With that, he got up, ready to face whatever came next, starting with movie night with Wonwoo.

"I'm bisexual for the guy who is my girlfriend's other boyfriend, and I just can't stop kissing the life out of him," Mingyu muttered to himself as he rummaged through his closet. His life felt like a twisted romantic comedy with a dash of existential dread.

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