Chapter 13: falling for my "Cuddlefrienemies" ?

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"Gyu, you are spacing out again!" Mingyu flinched slightly, shifting in his chair before turning to his best friend Minghao, who was glaring at him. "Sorry..." Mingyu mumbled, wiping his lips as he tilted his head to pay attention to the lecture.

The two weeks of 'Jia being away' were over, and even his university lectures had started. Mingyu didn't know why, but he disliked the idea of being with Jia now. Maybe it was because she still acted so clingy and nonchalant after everything that had happened. It fazed Mingyu so much.

He liked being with Wo---

"Baby!" Mingyu closed his eyes in clear irritation as he continued to pack his stuff into his backpack. He turned to the door where Jia stood with a wide smile on her face.

Minghao snorted, leaning over to whisper, "Here comes the tornado."

Mingyu sighed, forcing a smile as Jia bounced over, her energy levels apparently not matching the post-lecture exhaustion everyone else felt. "Hey, Jia," he said, trying to sound enthusiastic but only managing a tone that could barely pass for polite.

Jia practically skipped to his side, oblivious to the strained look on Mingyu's face. "I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Mingyu awkwardly patted her back, exchanging a helpless look with Minghao over her shoulder.

Minghao made a face, mouthing, "Good luck," before turning back to his notes. Mingyu couldn't help but chuckle despite himself. His best friend's dry sense of humor was one of the few things keeping him sane these days.

"So, what are we doing today?" Jia asked, finally letting go and looking up at him with expectant eyes.

Mingyu hesitated, glancing at Minghao who raised an eyebrow, clearly waiting for the show to unfold. "Uh, I actually have a lot of studying to do," he said, trying to keep his tone light. "Midterms are coming up, you know."

Jia's smile faltered for a split second before she beamed again. "Oh, that's okay! I'll help you study! It'll be fun!"

Mingyu felt a pang of guilt but also a wave of frustration. Studying with Jia was like trying to read in the middle of a carnival. "Maybe some other time," he suggested gently. "I really need to focus."

Jia pouted but nodded. "Alright, but you owe me lunch tomorrow!"

"Deal," Mingyu agreed quickly, relieved to have escaped this time. As Jia bounced away, probably to plan their lunch date with the same enthusiasm she had for everything else, Mingyu sighed deeply.

Minghao chuckled beside him. "Man, you've got yourself a handful."

"Tell me about it," Mingyu muttered, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "I think I need a nap just thinking about lunch with her."

Minghao grinned. "Well, if you need a distraction, I'm always here to remind you how terrible your taste in women is."

Mingyu laughed, feeling a bit lighter. "Thanks, Hao. You're the best."

"Don't mention it," Minghao said, clapping him on the back. "Now, let's get out of here before she changes her mind and comes back."

Mingyu nodded before turning to his notes again. He and Minghao had been friends since their high school days, and to say Minghao was his best mate was an understatement. Minghao was the go-to guy whenever Mingyu found himself in trouble or a heated discussion.

Then came Jia, his girlfriend. Probably one of the sweetest women he had ever met until recently. She was good and all, but she disliked the thought of Mingyu spending so much time with Minghao. Considering Minghao was openly bisexual, Jia worried it might "affect" Mingyu somehow.

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