Chapter 31: forgive her?

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"What's going on? Why are you here, Gyu? And what were you doing on his lap?" Jia jabbed a finger into Wonwoo's chest, pushing him back slightly. Mingyu clicked his tongue, grabbing her wrist and pushing her away with a bit more force than necessary.

"Stop being rude and sit," he demanded, his grip tightening. Ever since he discovered he was bisexual (only for Wonwoo), he'd been a little too clingy and protective of the man. There was no way he would let Jia walk all over Wonwoo like that.

"Sit? I need answers. What exactly is going on?" Jia huffed as she sank into the couch, biting her lip at the closeness between Mingyu and Wonwoo. What were these two up to?

"We could ask you the same thing," Wonwoo said, adjusting his glasses as he settled on the couch, Mingyu following suit.

"Ask what--"

"Was it fun to date both of us?" Mingyu cut in, crossing his arms over his chest. "And at the same fucking time?"

Jia's face turned pale, her eyes darting between the two men. She opened her mouth to speak, but Mingyu didn't give her the chance.

"Don't even try to deny it," he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "We know everything. You played us both for fools, and now you're caught."

"Both of you?" Jia stammered, her voice wavering. "I never meant for this to happen..."

"Save it," Wonwoo interjected, his tone icy. "We don't want to hear your excuses. We deserve better than your lies."

Jia's eyes filled with tears, but Mingyu remained unmoved. He leaned closer, his eyes boring into hers. "Did you ever think about how this would affect us? Or were you just having fun, seeing how long you could keep up the charade?"

Jia shook her head, the tears spilling over. "I was confused, okay? I didn't know what I wanted."

"Confused? That's your excuse? You played with our hearts, Jia. This isn't some game where you can hit reset when things get complicated," Mingyu's laughter was cold and mirthless.

"How did you even find out?" Jia demanded, her voice rising. "I never told anyone!"

Wonwoo adjusted his glasses, his expression unreadable. "Do you remember when I visited you at your university last month?"

Jia's eyes widened in realization. "That was just a surprise visit," she muttered, her voice barely audible.

"Surprise, indeed," Wonwoo said, his voice laced with bitterness. "Imagine my surprise when I saw you cozying up to Mingyu's picture in your dorm room, calling him your boyfriend to all your friends."

Jia's face flushed with guilt. "I had to lie. It was the only way to keep everything from falling apart."

"Falling apart?" Mingyu's voice was a low growl. "You mean to keep your lies intact. You told me Wonwoo was your cousin so I wouldn't get suspicious. And all the while, you were dating both of us behind our backs."

Jia's tears flowed freely now. "I didn't want to hurt either of you. I just... I didn't know what to do."

Mingyu's anger flared again. "You didn't know what to do? You could have chosen honesty. You could have told the truth instead of weaving this web of deceit."

“Mingyu, please,” she started, her voice trembling. “Please, don’t be like this. I know I messed up, but can’t we fix this?”

Mingyu’s jaw tightened as he looked at her, disgust and anger warring in his eyes. “Fix this? How exactly do you plan to fix it, Jia?”

Jia stepped further into the room, her tears spilling unchecked now. “I’ll break up with Wonwoo,” she said, her words tumbling out in a desperate rush. “I’ll end things with him. I swear, I’ll make things right between us. Just give me another chance.”

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