Epilogue: "I'm yours, you're mine"

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"Stop crying," Mingyu says, exasperation lacing his voice as he watches Minghao blow his nose into a tissue with a loud, dramatic honk before resuming his wailing.

"You don't get it," Minghao sobs, "I'm single now, and you—my only lonely, fuck-ass friend—have a boyfriend." His words are punctuated by another tissue sailing into the overflowing trash can. Mingyu rolls his eyes and takes a long sip of his drink, mentally throwing daggers at his friend.

"W-Wonwoo, please take care of him," Mingyu pleads, his tone half-joking, half-desperate. "He might sometimes embarrass himself—" The evening, intended to be a celebration of Mingyu finally growing up and asking Wonwoo out, is quickly turning into a spectacle.

Minghao is making a scene in the middle of the restaurant, and Mingyu feels a burning desire for the ground to swallow him whole.

"Minghao, seriously," Mingyu mutters under his breath, "I didn't sign up for a soap opera. Pull yourself together."

Minghao’s wailing only gets louder, attracting curious glances from nearby tables. “It’s not a soap opera, Mingyu,” Minghao sniffles dramatically, “It’s my tragic life!”

Wonwoo, ever the calm presence, tries to intervene. “Minghao, maybe some water would help?” He pushes a glass towards the crying man, who takes it with a shaky hand, spilling half of it on the tablecloth.

“You see!” Minghao exclaims, voice quivering. “Even the water doesn’t want me! Everything is against me!” He dramatically slumps over the table, his sobs muffled by his arms.

"I do." Jun mumbled quietly munching on his food.

Mingyu pinches the bridge of his nose, fighting the urge to either laugh or scream. “Look, Minghao,” he says, trying to keep his voice steady, “Being single isn’t the end of the world. Think of it as... an opportunity for self-growth. Or something.”

Minghao lifts his head just enough to glare at Mingyu. “Easy for you to say, Mr. Happy Relationship.”

Wonwoo pats Mingyu’s shoulder sympathetically. “Maybe we should take him home.”

“I’ll do it.” Jun stands up, dusting off his pants with a resigned sigh. “You guys enjoy your day.” He forces a tight-lipped smile, and Wonwoo bites his lip, curiosity sparking. Is something going on between those two? He couldn’t wait to get back to the dorm and ask Jun.

“Thank you so much,” Mingyu sighs, relief washing over his face as he throws an arm around Wonwoo, who pinches his side playfully.

“Let’s go.” Jun steps forward, pulling a resistant Minghao into his arms. Minghao blinks up at him in a daze. “No way! Leave me!” he thrashes wildly, but Jun tightens his grip, dragging him out with determined resolve.

“Is it really okay to leave them?” Wonwoo asks worriedly, watching through the glass wall as Jun literally battles Minghao’s drunken demons to get him walking.

“Hm, I trust Jun,” Mingyu replies confidently, though Wonwoo sucks at his teeth, still not fully convinced.

“Now, focus on me, baby.” Mingyu’s voice softens, sweet and alluring, as he cups Wonwoo’s face, tilting him toward himself.

Wonwoo chuckles, the tension easing from his shoulders. “You’re so demanding, you know that?”

“Only when it comes to you.” Mingyu’s eyes sparkle with mischief, and he leans in, pressing a tender kiss to Wonwoo’s lips.

Wonwoo melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Mingyu’s neck. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he murmurs against Mingyu’s lips.

“Cute? I’m going for devastatingly handsome,” Mingyu teases, his fingers tracing light patterns on Wonwoo’s back.

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