Chapter 20: Mind's a mess

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It's been a week. A whole week since Mingyu has visited Wonwoo, who is camping at Minghao's dorm. Partially, Mingyu missed Wonwoo, and partially, he wanted Wonwoo to miss him. It was kind of weird how he was feeling.

"Dude, you look like you've been rejected by your crush or something," Minghao slumps onto the bed beside him, munching on his Cornetto, and Mingyu sighs, resisting the urge to say, "Yes, I am."

"Nothing," Mingyu says, closing his eyes as flashes of Wonwoo's lips against his come to mind, and he jolts them open again. Just like he's been doing for the past few days now.

"Hao," he starts.

"Hm?" Minghao replies, still focused on his ice cream.

"How did you find out you were bi?"

"I once kissed this boy in a library and liked it..." Mingyu snaps his head towards Minghao, who just shrugs nonchalantly. "It was good, and a few days after that, I hooked up with a girl and liked it too."

"It's not rocket science, you know," Minghao continues, waving his Cornetto around for emphasis. "People have bigger problems than worrying about my sexuality, and I'm pretty sure that applies to everyone else too." Mingyu stays quiet, contemplating.

Minghao was right; so many people were judging him (Mingyu) for dating Jia, but did that matter?

"Also, why do you ask?" Minghao plops onto his elbows, narrowing his eyes at Mingyu suspiciously.

"It's nothing," Mingyu lies through his teeth, and to his relief, Minghao believes him.

"Seriously, if you have something to say, just do it. I hate this 'let me guess what has your mind so messed up' game. It's annoying, Mr. Gyugyu," Minghao says as he gets down from the bed, his hands sticky from the melting ice cream. He heads to the sink to wash them, shooting Mingyu a pointed look over his shoulder.

Mingyu contemplates whether to spill his secret. Minghao was his best friend, after all, and maybe he could help Mingyu make sense of the turmoil brewing inside him.

"So, remember the party I went to last week?" Mingyu begins, his voice hesitant.

"At Wonwoo's?" Minghao raises an eyebrow, already suspicious.

"Yeah," Mingyu clears his throat and sits up straight, fidgeting with his fingers. "I kind of—he kissed me, and I kissed him back. And that is what's been keeping me up, Mr. Haohao," he admits in a rush, his cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and relief.

Minghao stops mid-rinse, his eyes narrowing as he turns to face Mingyu. "Hold up. You're telling me that you kissed Wonwoo, and that's what's been turning you into a mopey mess? Mr. 'I-can-handle-anything' Mingyu is losing sleep over a kiss?"

Mingyu nods, feeling both silly and vulnerable. "Yes. And I can't stop thinking about it. It felt... different. Like, really different."

Minghao dries his hands with deliberate slowness, processing the information. "Okay, let's break this down. First of all, why didn't you lead with this? You let me ramble on about bi-curiosity and Cornettos when the real drama was brewing right under my nose."

Mingyu can't help but chuckle at Minghao's exasperation. "I didn't know how to bring it up."

"Well, you brought it up now," Minghao says, rolling his eyes. "And let me tell you, Mingyu, if Wonwoo kissed you, he’s probably just as confused and sleepless as you are. You both need to have a conversation. Like, an actual, honest-to-goodness conversation."

"But he said to forget about the kiss, that it was just his brain acting up and that's why he kissed me," Mingyu said, his face contorted in an irritating frown. He hated that Wonwoo wanted to forget about the kiss.

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