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Acid water sloshed lazily against the edges.

They clawed desperately, trying to grab anything, trying to escape.

A scream was muffled, choked into silence by the liquid fire pouring into their lungs, the same fire running through their veins. Hands clawed, dragging their body above the ledge only to collapse in pain. The person screamed, whether in agony or despair was unknown.

Crying and screaming was heard, begging for anyone to come and save them, for any sign of aid. For anyone to make the deep cutting agony to stop.

The incoherent screaming continued until their voice turned ragged, heaving and spitting the dingy water onto cold harsh stone. Emptying their lungs of the unnatural liquid.

Their hair was splayed lifeless and dull across the stone, blood soaking into the jagged crevices of the rock walls.

There was barely any inkling of light, save for the faint acid green glow of the Pit.

End note: VERY short chapter, it's intentional though, giving too much information would ruin parts of the plot:-)

Words: 153

PJO x Gotham CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now