Eat the rich?

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Jason was pissed. And determined, two things that worked very well together. He was going to figure who the hell that sarcastic emo teen/technically criminal was, even if it was the last thing he'd do (hah).

He started out with scouring the security cameras for anything of value, and unsurprisingly came out with nothing. The cameras were either broken or the teen had done something, because his face and sometimes entire body had been blurred, like a pencil drawing that you smudged on accident. Even the audio was a garbled mess whenever the teen spoke, which was even further annoying Jason because his voice was perfectly normal in the same recordings.
Jason had scoured the internet for any connections to that kid, but all he'd found were a few security videos with the same blurred out face that gave away nothing.

So of course he took the second route, trying to stalk him. Nightwing seemed to think this was a bad idea for some reason, which Jason didn't really understand, he was also very uncooperative and refused to help. Something about being busy with a new drug trade organization in Blüdhaven.
Jason had already marked the two places he'd seen the kid and chose to circle around the areas occasionally, just in case he showed up.

Which proved fruitless because he'd found no trace of the child and no-one else had heard of him either.

Jason wasn't giving up though.
Not yet.

* * *

The universe had finally decided it didn't hate duke Thomas.

He'd managed to invite Nico over to the manor for a movie night, and Bruce was even out of town! (possibly a Justice League thing, he honestly didn't care). Dick was working on some drug case in Blüdhaven, and to literally no one's surprise, Damian had followed like a duckling to it's mother, it was honestly very adorable how much that kid practically worshipped Nightwing (though he'd never say that out loud, in risk of getting stabbed of course). Cass was possibly home, as well as Tim, he hadn't been keeping much track of those two lately, and Steph was probably out committing war crimes or something (the usual).

One thing that had come to Duke's surprise, was that he'd invited Nico to the manor after meeting him in Walmart of all places (Duke had just been out helping Alfred with errands). Nico had been out buying groceries, alone, for whatever reason. Which wasn't the thing that had really struck Duke as strange, it was the whole buying food in the first place. If he was being completely honest, Duke had slowly convinced himself that Nico was a vampire, so seeing him out buying normal food had given him way more relief than it should've.
The Nico-Vampire-Theory was something he most certainly would never speak of to Nico. Ever.

When Duke had invited Nico for a movie night and handed him his address, he hadn't really been expecting a fucking manor. Not even a small one, at least three stories and a shit ton of surrounding property (was that a barn in the distance?), even getting to the front door had taken like 10 minutes, seriously, their driveway was huge and Nico did not own any kind of vehicle.

He should've honestly expected this, Gotham Prep was a school for the elite (correction; school for people with the money to pay for it), so Duke being rich should not have come as this much of a surprise to Nico, he couldn't even blame it on the all-rich-kids-are-snobs stereotype be cause he'd met Rachel and she was awesome. That stereotype could technically apply to Nico as well, which was just further proving his point that he should not be this surprised. Duke just seemed so down to earth? He just didn't act like a rich kid, even if Rachel was cool, she still had certain things that made you go 'oh she's the daughter of the CEO of a multimillionaire company'.

"-elo, earth to Nico?" Duke was snapping his fingers at Nico's face.

"Sorry I just..." He gestured at the grand staircase situated in front of them, this was one of the biggest houses he'd ever seen aside from mythological palaces.

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