XXIII. Cabin by the Frozen Lake (part one)

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It was the day. The day that Emma would have Regina all to herself for the entire weekend... well, not just with her, but with all the people near and dear to her heart. She had been apprehensive when she asked her mother for permission to take Neal with her on this trip. To her relief, her mother had agreed, reassured by the fact that Emma would be with her two good friends, especially Belle, whom she trusted far more than Ruby when it came to being responsible. Her mother hadn't bothered to ask who the cabin belonged to; she simply assumed it was a bed and breakfast. That was a stroke of luck for Emma. She had packed the night before, including Neal's things, her excitement for the weekend getaway palpable. It was rare for her to go on trips, as she usually spent weekends babysitting and house sitting. Just then, her phone rang, and Regina's name lit up the caller ID.

"Hey, Regina," Emma said, trying to keep her voice steady, though she could hardly contain her excitement.

"Good morning, Emma. Are you ready?" Regina's tone was as sophisticated as ever. "I'm on my way to pick you up. I'll be there in less than five minutes."

"Great, Neal and I will be waiting for you outside," Emma replied. She and Neal gathered their packed bags and headed out the door.

"Make sure you're both warm, and don't forget your skates," Regina reminded her.

"I've got them all packed. Just waiting for you, love." Emma's eyes widened in shock; she hadn't meant for that word to slip out, but it was too late.

Regina chuckled softly on the other end of the line. "I'll see you soon, love," she quipped before hanging up, her voice laced with a teasing warmth.

Emma's face reddened, a stark contrast to the snowy landscape around her. She exhaled, watching her breath mist in the frigid air, trying to calm the fluttering in her chest.

"Hey, Emma," her little brother called up, his voice a lifeline pulling her from the tide of her embarrassment.

"Yeah, what's up, kid?" Emma replied, his innocent question pulling her back to the present from her swirling thoughts.

"Do you think Henry likes video games?" Neal asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.

"Oh, does he? He LOVES video games," Emma answered, her tone lifting as a smile spread across her face. "In fact, that's one of the reasons I brought you along. I just know you two are going to hit it off."

"Really? Oh, cool!" Neal exclaimed, bouncing a little on the balls of his feet. "I hope he likes Mario."

Emma chuckled, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately. "Don't worry, kiddo. He'll love it," she assured him, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "But, there's one condition. Promise me you'll spend some time skating too. I don't want you cooped up in the cabin all weekend."

Neal's expression turned earnest, his eyes shining with excitement. "I promise," he said, nodding vigorously.

"Good," Emma said, her smile deepening as she felt a bit more anchored. "It's going to be a fun weekend, trust me."

True to her word, Regina arrived at Emma's in less than five minutes, though she made it in four. As she pulled into the Swan residence's driveway, she spotted Emma through her windshield. Regina waved, her eyes glinting with mischief, the recent phone conversation still fresh in her mind. She could see Emma's cheeks flush anew, and the sight brought a smile to her lips.

Regina enjoyed teasing Emma, especially after that delightful slip of the word "love." It wasn't just playful banter; hearing Emma call her that was special. Regina wasn't one to throw around declarations of love lightly. When she said it, she meant it with every fiber of her being. Hearing it from Emma, even accidentally, warmed her heart in a way nothing else could.

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