II. A New Beginning

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Alright, so I couldn't help but get too excited so I decided to continue on with the next chapter. This one is a bit long, because apparently my fingers couldn't stop. Haha, it should be a treat for all you, avid readers! Enjoy! ^_^

It's the first day of school, the official initiation into the realm of higher education and supposedly the beginning of my professional journey. Not that I've fully embraced the notion of needing a mere piece of paper to validate my intellectual prowess, but who am I to swim against the tide of academia? So, begrudgingly, I'll play along. Studying has never been my strong suit; I'd much rather indulge in beer and revelry. But hey, now that I'm in college, I'll have ample opportunities to keep myself entertained. And if all else fails, there's always Ruby to lend a hand in the art of diversion.

Lost in her own thoughts, Emma was startled when a young woman suddenly appeared in front of her, a wide grin revealing a set of pristine, pearly whites. "Hey, bestie! Looks like you've decided to let the Department of Education dictate your life for the next four years!" she exclaimed with playful sarcasm.

"Hah... hah, hilarious as always, Rubes," Emma replied with a hint of mock sarcasm. Ruby, her ever-cheerful bestie, radiated positivity from behind her stunning and seductive facade—a face that could undoubtedly launch a thousand ships. Despite her undeniable attractiveness, drawing admirers of all genders, Ruby remained steadfast in her sunny demeanor and unwavering convictions.

Emma deftly retrieved a hair tie from her back pocket, swiftly gathering her beautiful blonde tresses into a ponytail. "So, what's the plan now?" she inquired, glancing at Ruby. "Oh, and by the way, have you seen Bells?"

Ruby reached into her front pocket, retrieving a tube of lip gloss with a subtle pink hue. Swiftly applying it to her lips, she added a touch of color to her already alluring features. "Nope, didn't catch up with her yesterday," Ruby replied, her lips forming a satisfied smile. "But word on the grapevine is that she went shopping with her beau," she continued, punctuating the sentence with a subtle smack of her lips.

"Beau? Seriously?" Emma's forehead creased as she arched an eyebrow. "You really need to stop saying that, Rubes," she remarked with a playful shake of her head.

"Hey, I know you're not his biggest fan, but let's give credit where it's due. Mr. Gold did help us with our tuition," Ruby remarked, nudging Emma's side with her elbow, accompanied by a cheeky grin.

"Rubes, just because that man helped us with our tuition—mind you, we're still paying him back off five percent—doesn't mean we should be thrilled about her being with him," Emma retorted, her tone tinged with skepticism. "I'm not trying to rain on Belle's parade or anything, but he just seems too serious for her. And let's not forget, he gives me the creeps," she added with a shudder.

"Okay, I'll give you the serious part, but the 'giving you the creeps' part... Well, that's a bit uncanny, don't you think?" Ruby admitted, twirling one of her red-dyed locks between her fingers. "Personally, I don't find him creepy at all. In fact, I think he's quite the catch," she added with a playful grin.

As Ruby continued to extol Mr. Gold's virtues, Emma felt a strange, dizzying sensation creeping over her. "Oh, Rubes, you've got to stop," she interjected, her stomach churning uncomfortably. "I don't think I can handle any more of this sickeningly sweet info." With a wave, Emma turned on her heel and made her way towards the registration booth to sign up for classes, eager to put some distance between herself and the conversation.

"Oh, come on," Ruby sighed, catching up to Emma. "I was just pulling your leg. Obviously, Mr. Gold isn't exactly my type, but hey, I wouldn't mind since he's got enough money to support me for a lifetime, plus all the perks!" Ruby chuckled, her laughter echoing through the air. Gazing up at the verdant canopy above, she added, "Now, all I need to figure out is how to prolong my life! Hahaha!"

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