III. The Mystery Woman

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Okay, chapter 3!! Who is that "mysterious woman"? Well, we all knew too well who it's gonna be anyway. Haha, just teasing you guys. Anyway, this chapter is totally from one of my personal experiences (Emma's part). Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! ^_^

"Everyone, settle down," the captivating woman commanded as she strode across the podium, her presence commanding attention. She paused at the desk in the center, placing her hands on the tabletop and leaning forward ever so slightly, accentuating her figure. "I'm Professor Regina Mills, and I don't take this class lightly," she continued, her voice firm yet alluring. "I expect all of you to be prompt and on time, just as you all are this morning."

After Regina announced her class expectations, a young man decided to test her patience. "Miss Mills," he began, but Regina swiftly corrected him, "Professor Mills," sensing his underlying challenge.

Undeterred, the young man continued in a tone that hinted at defiance. "Professor Mills," he persisted, "we did come to class on time. Some of us had even been here much earlier than that. Well, you of all people should know that, since you're all about being on time and whatnot—" It was clear to Regina that this young man either lacked foresight or craved attention.

"I'm very well aware of that, young man," Regina interjected smoothly, one step ahead of his challenge. Sensing there was more to his statement than met the eye, she continued, "What is your point?"

"It's Jones. Killian Jones," the young man corrected with a confident smile, exuding either irresistible charm or annoying arrogance.

Regina sauntered to the middle of the podium, closing the distance between them. "Killian Jones, do I need to repeat myself? What is your point?" she demanded, her tone firm yet tinged with curiosity.

Killian Jones appeared to be one of those men who found it amusing to rile up a woman, testing her patience and ensuring his own unforgettable presence, even if it meant becoming infamous. So far, he had certainly caught Regina's attention.

"Well, for a woman of your stature, wouldn't you uphold your values by being promptly on time as well?" Killian shifted his gaze to his classmates, seeking their approval and empathy. He then turned his focus back to Regina, who stood with her arms crossed over her chest. "After all, you did come in five minutes after the class had started."

Suddenly, a palpable tension filled the room as murmurs broke out among the other students. It was clear that challenging an authority figure with a sharp tongue, as Killian Jones had done, was perceived as either brave or foolish.

Regina, unimpressed by Killian's display of arrogance, raised an eyebrow, uncrossed her arms, and sauntered confidently toward the troublemaker. She stopped in front of Killian, closing the distance with unwavering confidence.

"Well, Mr. Jones, I see you've given this some thought," Regina deadpanned, her lips curling into a slight smirk. "It's true. I did enter class five minutes after it had started." She noticed Killian smirking in response to his earlier observation.

Ignoring his arrogance, Regina continued, "But dare I say, in four years—or however long it takes for you to graduate from this university—your arrogance alone won't get you far in the real world, especially when you're searching for a job or, hopefully, a career." She met Killian's gaze squarely. "You'll find that your poor excuse for being a well-educated young man won't take you very far with that kind of attitude. Try pulling that with your future employer," Regina concluded, returning his sly smile with a knowing one of her own.

Though Killian maintained his prideful demeanor, Regina could tell he had lost that round. With a graceful turn on her heels, she made her way back to the podium and addressed the class. "Does anyone else have anything to add to Mr. Jones' observations, brilliant or otherwise?"

The class fell silent after the intense exchange of power, with all eyes focused on Regina. However, amidst the tension, one person remained fixated on the mysterious woman who had made her presence known. Emma was now completely under her spell, her number one admirer. The woman she had met yesterday seemed like a different person under the circumstances of the classroom. Yet, Emma was undeniably hooked. What had started as a casual exchange of glances in a bookstore had evolved into something much more profound. She longed to learn more about this enigmatic woman, but she wanted to do it alone. It wasn't that she didn't trust her best friends—she did, wholeheartedly—but she felt a strong desire to unravel the mystery of this woman's identity for now, on her own.


Phew! That was a doozy. Definitely a lot of tension, but I think it's a hot kind of tension. XD
Sorry it's a bit short, but I will try to work on chapter four ASAP. I've been busy with school though so please bear with me. Also, let me know what you think and if you have some ideas you'd like for me to add, feel free to drop them in the comments! Thanks for reading! ^_^ 

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