XVIII. Irresistible and Not So Irresistible Charm

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Okay, so remember last chapter when I said I wasn't gonna put SMUT on this chapter? Well, I lied. There's a bit of that on here too. Sooo... sorry in advance! Anyway, enjoy! XD

The sun had barely risen, casting a soft glow over the tranquil scene. Emma Swan sat on a wooden bench, lost in thought as she contemplated the events of the previous night. A slight ache in her cheek served as a constant reminder of the unexpected turn of events. Despite her attempts to dismiss it, doubt lingered in her mind.

Suddenly, a familiar figure bounded into view, startling Emma from her reverie. "Morning, Emma!" Ruby's cheerful greeting shattered the silence, causing Emma to jump slightly.

"Jeez, Rubes, you scared me," Emma chuckled, clutching her chest in mock surprise.

Ruby plopped down beside her with a grin. "Scared? What about me last night? I was practically speechless with all the family drama unfolding. Talk about a total Jerry Springer moment!" she exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief.

Emma sighed, rolling her eyes at her friend's antics. "Thanks for the reminder, Rubes."

As the two friends bantered, another familiar face approached, drawing Emma's attention. "Hey, girls," Belle greeted them with a warm smile.

"Morning, Bells!" Ruby chimed, returning the greeting with enthusiasm.

Lost in her thoughts, Emma merely nodded in acknowledgment. Belle raised an eyebrow at her seemingly distant friend. "You're looking a bit more sprightly this morning, Rubes," she observed, then turned her attention to Emma. "Are you alroight, Ems?"

"Huh?" Emma blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Belle's concern. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied automatically, though the words felt hollow even to her own ears.

"Liar face," Ruby teased, shooting Emma a knowing look. "She's clearly not telling us everything that happened last night."

Emma bristled at the accusation. "What do you mean? I was with you guys the whole night."

Ruby arched an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "The whole night?"

Belle chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "You did go after Professor Mills towards the end of the dinner, didn't you?"

Emma's cheeks flushed slightly at the mention of Regina's name. "Yeah, I did," she admitted reluctantly, the memory of their encounter still fresh in her mind.

"Ah-ha!" Ruby exclaimed triumphantly, nudging Emma playfully. "So, spill the beans, Ems. What really happened between you two?"

"Nothing!" Emma insisted, though the twinge in her cheek betrayed her words, serving as a painful reminder of the passionate encounter she'd shared with Regina.

"Nothing?" Ruby repeated incredulously, exchanging a knowing look with Belle. "Come on, Ems. You can't fool us. We know you too well."

Emma sighed, realizing she couldn't keep the truth from her friends any longer. "Alright, alright," she relented. "I'll tell you everything."

-Psychology 101 Rm. 417-

Sitting in her early morning class after a restless night of only two hours' sleep left Emma feeling delirious. The mere thought of skipping the lecture or even sneaking in a quick nap crossed her mind, but she pushed it away. Despite the pounding ache in her temples and the heaviness weighing down her eyelids, she knew she had to muster some semblance of attention. After all, this was the queen's chamber, and she couldn't afford to disappoint.

"Class dismissed," Professor Mills announced, gracefully making her way back to her desk.

The students gathered their belongings, the shuffling of papers filling the air as they prepared to leave. Ruby, always in a hurry, bolted down the steps and disappeared through the door, a reminder of her impending deadline ringing in her friends' ears.

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