XX. Words Need Unspoken

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Belle, Emma, and Ruby walked huddled together, their arms linking each other as they made their way back to the University. The long stretch of pathway leading to the seminar building was a scenic one, although the great fountain in the middle of campus was off due to the winter season, turning the water into a delicate sculpture of ice. The trees, which usually graced the campus with their beautiful evergreen, now stood barren, their branches webbing, reaching out to the skies like skeletal hands.

"Do you remember how beautiful these trees were in the fall?" Belle asked, her breath visible in the cold air. "It's hard to believe they can look so different."

"Yeah, it's like they're sleeping now," Ruby replied, tightening her scarf around her neck. "But still kind of beautiful in a haunting way, don't you think?"

Emma nodded, her eyes scanning the snow-covered ground. The blanket of snow was bright against the dimming evening light. The faint glow of light coming from the windows created intricate stencils on the snow, each pattern a fleeting masterpiece. Christmas lights had been added, hanging from gutters and decorating every other tree lining the pathway, their twinkling adding a touch of magic to the winter scene.

Emma sighed, her breath forming a small cloud in front of her. "I don't have classes at night, but seeing this makes me wish I did," she said softly. "Just to witness this serene and mesmerizing scenery each night."

Belle smiled, nudging her gently. "You can always take a night walk, you know. We could make it a thing, a nightly stroll to enjoy the campus lights."

Ruby laughed, the sound light and cheerful. "As long as there's hot cocoa waiting for us at the end, I'm in."

They continued their walk, the snow crunching softly under their boots, the campus transforming into a winter wonderland around them.

-Seminar Building-

They finally reached the seminar building, the imposing structure looming against the evening sky. As they pushed through the double doors, they huddled for a moment, shaking off the excess snow that had blanketed their coats. The trio made their way to the restroom to freshen up. Upon entering, Emma came face to face with Regina, who was just leaving one of the stalls and making her way to the sink to wash her hands.

Regina looked up at the trio through the mirror and greeted them with a soft smile. "Good evening, ladies." Her eyes flitted briefly to Ruby and Belle before settling on Emma, whose face was clouded with sadness, her brow furrowed. "I'm glad you could make it."

"It's no biggie, Professor," Belle replied with a cheerful smile. "We could all use the extra points."

As they exchanged glances in the mirror, it was evident that Ruby's eyes were darting between Regina and Emma, unable to hide her discomfort. Belle nudged Ruby with her elbow, a silent plea to stop. Ruby forced a smile as Emma looked away, heading to one of the stalls. Regina's gaze followed Emma, trying not to be obvious, but her two friends noticed.

Regina finished washing her hands and took a paper towel to dry them. "Then I'll see you all later inside," she said, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of concern.

As she left the restroom, Ruby and Belle nodded and smiled at their professor, their expressions masking the tension that lingered in the air.

"Phew, could that get any weirder?" Ruby quips, her voice tinged with an attempt at humor, though the tension in the air is palpable.

"Oh, stop it," Belle reprimands, her tone sharp and concerned. "It's still fresh, remember?"

"Yeah, tell me about it." Ruby lets out a forced breath through pouted lips, her eyes darting around nervously. "And it's gonna get weirder."

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