𝒵𝑜𝓎𝒶 𝓍 𝒩𝒾𝓀𝑜𝓁𝒶𝒾

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Finally Zoya had found a moment of peace on this damned day. Her sisters had gotten her to go to the mall with her, because they claim ever since she's started high school she never had time for them anymore. She claims it's bullshit, she didn't spend time with them even before high school. Of course she had to focus more, she didn't want to fail. She wouldn't be Zoya Nazyalensky if she failed her classes, she's never been known for failure.

Sitting at the corner of the Café with a black coffee placed in front of her was much more pleasant than running from shop to shop with her too enthusiastic sisters. She didn't even register the golden boy that had approached her. "My my, is that Zoya Nazyalensky?" He cooed and took the seat opposite her without invitation. Any other girl would be blushing mad or swooning over him, but she isn't any other girl.

However, she would be lying if she were to say that she wasn't excited to see him. They had been friends back in Elementary and Middle school, however he had moved away during their second year of middle school and since then they hadn't talked to each other. Zoya had been pretty mad with him for moving away, even though it was silly since he couldn't decide that. She knew that if he would've had the choice he would've stayed.

"Are you still mad at me?" He questioned and waved his hand up to call a waitress over. Zoya huffed "Don't be silly, Nikolai." Zoya eyed Nikolai as he talked to the waitress, ordering something for himself that Zoya didn't bother listening in on. She was busy watching him. He had grown up, that much was obvious. His golden hair had grown out into soft waves, however still kept short as to not bother him. His hazel eyes shining with every word he speaks. His body language was as smooth and relaxed as it could be, as if he owned the shop. Even his slightly crooked nose seemed so stunningly beautiful put on his face, Zoya was sure if anyone else had a nose like that it'd look ugly on them. The longer Zoya looked at him the more she understood why he was called handsome. She'd never admit that to him though.

"So, how have you been doing, my dearest Zoya?" He shifted his attention back to her as the waitress left. "Fine." Nikolai huffed and crossed his arms with a playful pout "Really? It's been years and you're being so harsh with me?" Zoya sighed, she didn't really miss his annoying and slightly needy attitude. "Zoya, my love, you don't frown like that on a date." He remarked which had Zoya staring at him as if he'd just turned into a demon. "Wh-What now?" She stuttered, internally cursing Nikolai for being able to make her stutter. Zoya didn't stutter and yet this guy could easily get just any emotion he wants out of her.

"This isn't a date." She announced as she calmed down a bit, Nikolai didn't pout or frown which had her wondering what he got up his sleeve. Exactly then the waitress showed up again, placed down a hot chocolate for Nikolai and two cakes. A strawberry cheesecake for Nikolai and a chocolate cake for Zoya. "Now it is." He smiled, thanked the waitress and dug into his cake, not leaving any room for arguments. "You know, any other girl would be squeaking right now." He pointed at her with his fork whilst nodding his head, as if he knew it so much better than she did. "Are you comparing me to other girls now?"

Nikolai laughed and put the fork down "Zoya." He said with a slightly chuckle to his voice "Comparing you to any other girl wouldn't be fair now, would it?" The way he spoke, everything from the way his lips moved to the way his voice sounded so perfect made Zoya want to get up and leave. This stupid fox, playing with me like I'm some kind of toy! "Why are you even here? Didn't you move away?" Zoya asked with a raised brow as she picked her fork up, smoothly changing the topic.

"I did, yes." He sipped on his chocolate "We're just visiting. You see, an aunt of mine just passed and we're attending the funeral today." He explained with so much nonchalance that Zoya felt sorry for the aunt that obviously didn't get mourned. "I would say I'm sorry for your loss, but you don't seem very mournful." She pointed out "Correct. I didn't know her and it is quite hard mourning someone you never knew. I gained more from her death than I lost, actually. What a sad world we live in, no?"

That's one more thing Zoya appreciated about Nikolai. Nikolai had been born into a rich family, but he never acted it and sometimes even seemed to despise it. Unlike Nikolai's older brother, Nikolai had intended to visit a public school, not a private one or get private tutors. He resented that idea and if Zoya didn't know it, she wouldn't be able to guess that he's rich at all. The way he looked and spoke were an indicator, but any guy can be charming and handsome, you don't have to be rich for that. Nikolai has never relented on his money or where he came from or anything like that. He doesn't see himself of a higher status.

"Still the same, I see." Zoya remarked, having already forgotten what they had originally talked about. "Zoya, you really need to learn how to make compliments." He sighed, as if she had just failed to calculate one plus one. "Well, teach me then, oh so great Sankt Nikolai." Zoya spoke with dripping sarcasm, but as Nikolai so often did he just pretended to not know that it was meant sarcastically. He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. He looked at her with so much love, she wondered where all that could possibly come from. How can someone look at her like that?

"Zoya." He basically whispered her name. "Your eyes are as beautiful blue as the ocean. The waves inside swallow me up and drown me every time I look into them. It's the most pleasant feeling I've ever had to endure. Have you ever gone diving? Do you know if that's what it feels like when the ocean is hugging you and never letting you go?" Zoya couldn't help but turn red at his words. She immediately snatched her hand away from him and averted her gaze. "Jeez, Nikolai.." She mumbled.

"Too cheesy?" He giggled and leaned back again. "Far too cheesy." She agreed, but laughed anyway. Nikolai grinned "There she is, my sunshine Zoya, finally." Zoya huffed and finally it felt normal to talk to Nikolai even though after such words, it probably shouldn't feel normal.

Zoya and Nikolai continued on talking for hours, both falling back into the memories from the old times they had spent together. It was a comfortable feeling and both could agree that this moment of reunion, no matter how big of a coincidence it was, was very pleasant. It was a good moment to be in and both enjoyed their time with the other a lot.

"I should probably get going. My sisters are without doubt looking for me already." Zoya apologized and got up, Nikolai got up as well "Already?" He whined, looking at her with those puppy eyes of his "You know that doesn't work on me, King." Nikolai chuckled and took her hands in his "King is a new one, wasn't it always Prince?" He questioned and she nodded, both shifting closer together without even realizing "You grew up." She said, explaining the shift from Prince to King. Nikolai hummed in response and cupped her cheek, pulling her closer and eventually bringing their lips together.

For a moment neither of them moved and the world seemed as if it was frozen. Then Nikolai let go of Zoyas face and they smiled at each other. Without another word, Zoya let go of his hand and walked out of the Café. Nikolai stayed, calling for the waitress so he could pay for their food. After a small conversation with the waitress in which he had to pretend that he didn't notice the flirting, he too left the Café and made his way back to the hotel his family stayed at, humming to himself on the way.

"Zoya Lantsov does have a nice ring."

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