𝒩𝒾𝓀𝑜𝓁𝒶𝒾 𝓍 𝑀𝒶𝓁

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"Are you really going to do it?" Nikolai turned around as he heard the Trackers voice with a surprised look. "Didn't expect to see you around. Do what exactly, if I may ask?" Nikolai smiled, his usual charming smile as he leaned against the railing, looking down at the crowd below. Everyone else was downstairs eating and partying, Nikolai had decided to take a break for a bit, but apparently a break wasn't in for him yet.

Mal walked closer, however still keeping his distance with a slight frown. "Do you really plan on marrying Alina?" He questioned warily, not taking his eyes off of Nikolai. "I do." Nikolai said, sounding pretty sure of himself, however he immediately turned more serious at the topic. "You don't have to be jealous, I don't plan on stealing away your Saint. As I mentioned before," He pushed himself away from the railing and looked at Mal "I'm not doing it for the sake of marrying her, I'm doing it for the reputation."

Nikolai could feel Mals gaze go straight through him, oh if looks could kill. Nikolai for sure would've died a thousand times. "That's disgusting." Mal muttered and leaned against the railing, looking down at the crowd as Nikolai had done just a moment ago. "Oh? It really is common in my line of work." Nikolai joked, Mal just looked at him with a raised brow "For a Pirate or for a Prince?"

"Privateer! For gods sake, you're doing it on purpose." Nikolai pouted, crossing his arms like a child who just got insulted. "Apologies." Mal chuckled, finding Nikolai's behavior very amusing and somehow adorable. "I just think it's not right to marry someone without feeling anything for them." Mal explained, realizing he hadn't explained his statement yet. "I do have feelings for Alina, just not romantic ones." Nikolai sighed "I'm afraid none of us really have the time for romance in this war anyway, do we now?"

Mal looked at Nikolai, noticing his kind of sad expression. "They do." He answered and pointed at some of the couples in the crowd, making out or just flirting. "We have the time right now too." Mal added, looking down still with a hint of red on his cheeks now. Nikolai's eyes widened and he became unbelievably flustered. "Now now, I'm not Alina, alright?" He huffed, meeting gazes with Mal. "I'm aware." The tracker smiles, more sure of himself now that he's seen Nikolai get flustered.

"I'm not Alina either or any pretty woman for that matter." Mal stated with a bit of a challenging look. "You're assuming things." Nikolai huffed, propping his chin on his hand. Mal looked at him questioningly "You're assuming that I only like Women." Nikolai explained, still avoiding direct eye contact. "You don't?" Mal asked, his voice sounding more hopeful than he wanted it to. "Not only."


"You know, I'm not jealous of you." Mal muttered "I'm jealous of Alina." He continued staring at Nikolai to see his reaction, but Nikolai just looked into the mass of people with no indication of his thoughts. "I'll pretend to be oblivious and ask you to explain further, why are you jealous of the Sun Saint?" Nikolai smirked, it is painfully obvious that he's teasing Mal. "Perhaps I don't want you to marry her." Mal answered with a wink in Nikolai's direction.

Nikolai sighed "Not like this, Mal." He said, his voice sounding somehow pained. "Did I say something wrong? Was it the wink?" Mal sounded panicked, not wanting to have ruined this. "After the war." Nikolai stated, stepping forward and taking Mals hand into his own. "I told you, romance has no place in my life right now. Not when I have such burdens to carry as, hopefully, future King." Nikolai sighed, but smiled apologetically anyway "Is that understandable?"

Mal looked away, somewhat disappointed, but nodded and held Nikolai's hand tight. "At least I'll be with a King by then." He joked and then let go of Nikolai's hands "If we survive-" Nikolai scoffed and cut Mal off "If we survive? Pardon me, do you seriously think we, out of everyone, will die?" Mal laughed at how childishly offended Nikolai seemed at the mere thought of their deaths. "Alright, then after the war, Your Highness." Nikolai nodded "Much better, Tracker."

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