𝐼𝓃𝑒𝒿 𝓍 𝒦𝒶𝓏

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Jesper laughed at the sight before him, two brothers were standing in front of them, the younger one hiding behind his older brother who was bowing down in front of Jesper. They had asked him if they could join his gang, it wasn't even his gang, it was Per Haskells. Jesper looked to his side where Inej had been just a moment ago, but she vanished. She was probably tired of weaklings like these showing up every day too.

The Zemeni boy decided to at least give them a chance "Well, name me a reason why I should hire you, the reason that you'll die otherwise won't be accepted." Jesper warned them and watched as the guy in front of him stood up again, he was almost as tall as Jesper himself and he did have to give him props for at least that, Jesper was already exceptionally tall for his age. The younger brother looked around Jespers age, whether that was bad or good didn't really matter.

The guy shifted slightly, obviously nervous. "We used to life on a farm and are both pretty strong, my brother is good with magic trick meaning he can easily deceive people and he's good at picking locks." The brunette explained, Jesper could only see the younger one of the two frowning from behind his brother, he seemed exceptionally shy. Jesper nodded and crossed his arms. "Would you be good in a fight?" He questioned, because he highly doubted they knew how to fight. "I'll be honest, I know how to fight, but my brother is more on the strategic side, but he knows how to survive."

Jesper nodded approvingly. "Names?" He asked as dryly as he could muster, this wasn't his usual upbeat self and all he wanted to do was go to Wylan and hug him until he feels better, but he needed to keep the facade up for a bit longer. "My name is Jordan and this is Kaz." Jordan introduced them both. Smart boy, Jesper thought since he didn't say their last names which indicated that he at least would be able to survive in these streets even if just for a week.

Jesper was about to speak up when Kaz squeaked and for the first time moved away from his brother but still using him as a shield from who knows what. Only then did Jesper notice how weird the guy looked, dressed far too thickly for this weather and the leather gloves itself were odd too. "Didn't think I'd scare you this much." Inej spoke up and Jespers gaze went to her, she must've snuck up behind the poor guy.

Both brothers sighed and Kaz averted his eyes whilst Jordan looked at them apologetically. "He's uh..He's not good with physical touch, my apologies for this reaction." Jesper scoffed and eyed Kaz "Apparently he's not good with talking for himself either, how do you expect to survive the streets if you can't even talk for yourself?" Jesper questioned, closing the space between him and Kaz, obviously making the raven head uncomfortable by how close they were now.

Jordan stepped between the two as if to shield Kaz, "Please refrain from teasing my brother like that on purpose." Jesper huffed, these two are far too protective of each other. "Fine." He gave in and moved a few steps away from them "A liar and a fighter is what you are? Let us test how well you fit in, I'll give you a week to prove yourselves." Jesper announced and left the two standing without another word.

Inej was following Jesper close behind not caring what happened to the two boys either, "Haphephobia, I'd guess." She muttered and fell into pace next to Jesper. "They went through some shit for him to react that big to a simple tap on the shoulder." She assumed, but Jesper just scoffed "We all went through some shit to end up here, however that doesn't mean we can go soft on some bastard who can't even bear touch."

It was quiet between them for a while, "He hid his limp pretty well though." She spoke up again and made Jesper stop in his tracks, "He has a limp?" The sharpshooter questioned with a confused look, except the scar on his right eyebrow and lip and the way he reacted to light touch Jesper didn't notice anything weird. "As I said, he hid it pretty well, but I noticed it when he jumped away from me, he let his guard down for a second and his brother isn't nearly as good a liar. Jordan immediately looked at his brothers leg and looked as if he expected him to lose his balance.

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