𝒩𝒾𝓀𝑜𝓁𝒶𝒾 𝓍 𝒜𝓁𝒾𝓃𝒶

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"Ugh, I hate that guy!" Alina exclaimed as she stared at the results which were on display for everyone to see, she had made it second after the guy she hates the most, Nikolai Lantsov. "You're still second." Mal grumbled and pointed to somewhere at the back of the list. "I made 113th out of 300." He complained and stuck his hands into his pockets.

Alina rolled her eyes and began walking back to the classroom, wanting to get away from the misery displayed in those halls. "Stupid Nikolai." She huffed, complaining all way to the Library. Mal was used to this behavior of hers, the rivalry between her and Nikolai had started ever since the guy had started visiting this school.

Nikolai Lantsov was known as the golden boy, the captain of the soccer team, the best tutor in their year and the most handsome and charming guy in the whole school. Alina hates his guts. He's so picture perfect and ruined her run of being first in everything. Alina was the smartest in the whole school, well since Aleksander left the school and now this guy turns up. Finally she was first and that by far, but of course she gets another genius as rival again. She remembers the day that her misery started as if it was only yesterday.


Alina stood in front of the board with her jaw open, she wasn't first? Mal had gone off to the back to look which place he got this time so she was standing alone here, completely flabbergasted. "Nikolai Lantsov." She read the only name which was above hers out loud, how the heck did this guy score 100%, nobody ever manages that.

"Yes, m'lady?" She heard someone speak up from behind her and she turned quickly with a step back only to be met with the most stunning hazel eyes and the most arrogant smirk she's ever seen. If handsome was a person, this, this was that person. His golden hair fell into his face perfectly as if it was always meant to be in his face, his hazel eyes scanned her curiously and that smirk looked as if it belonged to him. "You called my name." He pointed out when Alina didn't say anything.

That's when a switch flipped in her and the heat in her cheeks wasn't because of his charm, but because of her anger. "You." She snarled, stepping closer to him in anger, he put his hands up defensively and stepped back until his back met the wall. "You took my first place." She accused, waiting for a response.

It was quiet for a moment until he laughed, despite his laugh being so stunningly beautiful she heard the mockery out of it instantly and tried not to get distracted by his dimples or the way his eyes shine when he laughs. "Took? Honey, first place belongs to me." He remarked, his eyes challenging her. She nodded, "Not for long." and then left to go find Mal and cool down a bit.


Alina won't ever forget that day, but what she does try to forget is Nikolai Lantsov's charm. Every girl in school finds him at least attractive and sadly, she counts herself to that group and she has openly admitted it before, but she would never admit that there might be more to it than simple attraction.

She let herself fall down into the chair with a groan, "Why does he always get in my way?" Mal sighed, "That's the 12th time you've asked this now." He pointed out and sat down next to her. She was lucky to have such a nice best friend, she wouldn't know who else would listen to her complain about the most popular guy in school.

Alina and Mal talked a bit longer about how the final exams went and about Nikolai. "He is a good guy though and he looks fine." Mal said as Alina ranted about how much she hates his guts again, she just groaned in response and jumped when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder "Looks fine? Must be talking about me, aren't you, loves?" Nikolai teased and walked around the table, taking a seat opposite them.

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