Part 7

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Sam and Mon took the day off to ensure they looked their best for the upcoming hearing. As they prepared for the day, they found themselves in a familiar debate over what outfit would be best for the little girl. Mon insisted on something simple and comfortable, while Sam was drawn to a more elaborate and brand-name ensemble for Zoe.

Ultimately, they place a few clothes on the floor and let little Zoe choose a simple white dress. Mon was happy with the little girl's choice, and Sam threw a Gucci bib on the little girl, without Mon noticing it.

After 30 minutes of driving, they finally reached the court hall. They waited in the courtroom filled with other cases and patiently for the judge to call their names. Zoe was getting fussy, so when Sam noticed it, she took some of her crackers and fed them to her. As she feeds her another cracker, they hear the Judge calling their name.

Together with their lawyer, they proceed forward.

Judge: This is the Case of Zoe; from some unfortunate events, Zoe's parents aren't around anymore...

As he is talking, Zoe slaps her hands on Mon's face with the crackers, and all the crackers fall to the ground.

Mon glanced at Zoe and noticed her eyes were welling up with tears. Sam dropped to her knees without hesitation and swiftly gathered the scattered crackers from the floor. Feeling the urge to assist, Mon knelt and joined Sam in picking up the crackers. As they worked together, their hands inadvertently touched, and in that fleeting moment, both women found themselves locked in each other's gaze, lost in the moment's intensity. Suddenly, their lawyer knelt beside them, breaking the spell.

Lawyer: Ladies, get up.

They quickly get up and see the judge staring at them.

Sam: Sorry, Judge Pat.

The judge looks between Sam and Mon and continues to talk.

Judge: As I was saying, Zoe's parents aren't around anymore, and in their will, they honored you both to be Zoe's legal guardian. Do you both accept?

Sam/Mon: Yes!

The judge picks up her gavel and slams it down.

Judge: Okay then. Ms. Phetphailin and Ms. Anantrakul, you are now the legal guardians of Zoe Vorrakittikun. Mrs. Boon will still come by periodically to check up on the three of you.

Their lawyer motions for them to follow him.

Sam: Is that It?

Sam was confused.

Judge: What more is there to ask?

Sam: You're not going to ask if we are serial killers or something?

Mon pushed her and whispered -

Mon: Why would you say that?

Judge: Ms. Anatrakul, are you a serial killer?

The Judge asks, and Sam looks in between the judge and Mon for a few seconds.

Sam: No.

Judge: Okay, then, welcome to motherhood.

And just like that, the two women officially became Zoe's parents. Little did they know that a world of adventures and heartbreaks awaited them on this beautiful journey of parenthood.

- A few days later -

As Mon lay in bed, a persistent, irritating sound reverberated through her ears, disrupting her half-asleep state. Despite her efforts, she couldn't discern the source of the noise - not that she wanted to. She just wanted to continue with her sleep.

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