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We were done with roll call and were updated on our cases.  Cavanagh tells me he hopes I am feeling better.  If not, take more time off. He wants the case solved but doesn't need his officers getting sick. I tell him I am feeling better.  He leaves for a meeting. I pour  my partner and I some hot chocolate and listen to what we have so far on the case. Apparently  last night the other shift found more clues. We all finished our beverages.  I take my thermos with Barry and I. We bring our mugs so we can drink the rest. We have our coats on with our umbrellas and head out.

" Jane here are the keys to the new car. The other one was replaced. They sold it in auction.  The guys from last night says
this one is alot better."

I pour each of us some hot chocolate and start the vehicle.  They are right it sounds better, has the aroma of a new car and is definitely more comfortable.  I adjust the seat and
mirrors to meet my needs and off we went. Vince and my brother went to follow one of the new leads too.

" Partner I missed you yesterday. I had to work by myself and it sucked. There was no more new clues. I went to the
Vince and my brother went to follow one of the new leads too.

" Partner I missed you yesterday. I had to work by myself and it sucked. There was no more new clues. I went to the scene and started over. Towards the end of my shift,  I found a new clue and left it for the next
shift. It appeared to be a good clue because it gave us all new clues to work this morning. Jane you had Frankie worried yesterday. "  " I know Maura and my family too. I  don't like it when I make a poor decision and it effects others who I care about. "  " Jane none of us are perfect.  Just improve and try not to make the same poor decision again."

We get out and I lock the vehicle. We are walking to the building when Barry says there he is. We identify ourselves and start running after him. We take cover when he starts shooting at us.  I call it in for more back up. We will need more people if we want to take him alive. We continue to shoot back and forth.
We move as he does taking cover. We hear mkre sirens.  Vince and my brother arrive and take cover.  They start shooting. 

" I've been hit."

I look and its my brother who was shot in his arm Vince is taking care of him.  I am pissed my brother got shot.  I dive by a truck shooting at the man and ended up shooting him through his coat.  The shooting stops. One of the officers who is with the SWAT team tells me he is dead. I immediately
get up and run to my brothers side.

" Sis I guess I moved up.  My wife is going to love baby me with MA. Thanks!"  " Sorry it wasn't done intentional.  Now I am off for three days. I better go turn in my gun and get myself ready to be interrogated. We both will be off of
work with pay for a few days."   " True but I  will be pushing papers. "

Vince tells me he called Laura. Kiki and Laura are on their way to the hospital.  Maura runs up to us and hugs me than  works on Frankie.  She let's the deceased man just stay there.  My brother is more important.

" It went straight through. New coat, shirt and suit will need to be bought. My wife will enjoy shopping. This may work out after all for me. OUCH THAT HURT!"

" Be lucky all I did was slap you.  We all prefer you didn't get shot and your wife didn't have to shop for you."  " Jane I will offer to go with Laura later on. I  better go do my job."  

She leaves with Vincent and he takes my gun.

" Frankie great both of them shopping together. You know they will buy more items for themselves.  I may get some new items too. I  just hope its reasonably priced and I like it."

Frankie is laughing as we are getting in the ambulance. I
we are getting in the ambulance. I immediately call my brother and later Tommy telling them he was shot in the arm but Maura said he would be okay.  My brother is taking a test so he can't leave and my mother is on her way.  Frankie is higher than a kite.  We arrive and they take him to the ER.  I stay with him until Laura and Kiki arrive. Kiki and I leave the ER room and we sit down waiting for my mother.  I am being interviewed when my mother comes running in asking about my brother.  Kiki goes to her. I continue answering their questions.  My mom is upset and crying.  Kiki hands her kleenex and is calming her down. My partner and Vincent show up. They see me being interviewed so they stay with my mother and Kiki I am told to return to the station to do my report once my brother is done.

" Jane thank you for calling me and your brother. I will be staying with them at their house helping out when I am not working. "

My mother cannot see me miming sorry to Laura.  She nods okay. She tells us they are stitching him up. She is waiting on his medicine and him to finish before she takes him home. We wait for him to finish before we all leave.

" Jane the case is solved.  The mayor and Captain will have a press conference at noon." I will be eating lunch with my gal. At least its solved."

Frankie comes out on a wheelchair still high.  My mother runs up to him to hug him and to see how he is doing. Kiki,Vince and Barry tell him that they are glad he is okay and for him to call if he needs anything.

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