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I packed everything up that Maura and I wouldn't be using for the next several days. My brother, Tommy calls me to tell me to cancel the movers. He and several of his buddies of both genders will help me move. I just need to feed them pizza and beer. They would use their trucks, vans, and cars to move me. My brother Tommy would use his truck. He tells me they could get it done in one trip. They would help him afterward. Our mother would cook for them while they study. I was so proud of him for turning his life around. Everyone alive was happy for him.

I  ended my conversation and took a shower. I had votive candles lit and wine waiting for Maura. I was only going to drink juice or iced tea.  I had drunk enough liquor for a while. Maura enters and smiles. I take the bag that had our dinner in it and place it on the kitchen table. She removes her coat. I hang it up. She slips out of her 4-inch heels. I have no idea how she can wear them for so long. I know I would be crying like a baby if I did.

" Jane this is so sweet of you." "Let's finish our dinner. We will slow dance for a bit then you will have a nice hot bath with your oils and classical music. I will have dessert ready when you are finished with your bath. I picked up a cheesecake and lemon meringue pie for dessert. I wasn't sure which one you would like. After dessert, it's a bed and a nice massage nothing else. I want this evening to be enjoyable for you."

As we ate and I sipped on my wine, I thought of all the work Jane had put in and planned for tonight. It feels good she is pampering me this time around. I chose the lemon meringue pie to eat. We both finished it and she cleaned up.  We finished. We danced and  she left to get her bathtub ready for me. She returns and tells me it's ready. She will bring me another glass of merlot. I enter her bedroom and toss my dirty clothes in the hamper and the dry cleaning bag.  The
The bathtub had votives lit around one side with a new paperback love storybook I wanted to read.  I got in and waited for her to bring my wine.

" Jane this is so thoughtful.  The entire night is and thank you."

Jane tells me I am worth it and then leaves.  I listen to the music, sip some wine, and wash my body. I take a few more sips and begin reading a new book.

The kitchen was clean. I

entered the bathroom and sat by her on the floor. She was reading but stopped. She tells me she will rinse off and
get out. I told her I would rinse her off.  I handed her a towel when she stood up to get out. I offered my hand which she took.

" I will be in the bedroom waiting. "

She was finished drying and entered the bedroom. She lay on her stomach. I poured oil on my hands and began massaging her toes to her head. She was
ensed and I felt knots in her lower back and neck. I worked on those areas the most.  I asked her to turn around.  I started from her ankles to her face. Her breasts and face were the areas I concentrated on. When I was done wiping the oil off of her body. I wiped my hands well and handed her a bottle of water to drink. I put everything away then washed and dried my hands. She stopped drinking to tell me how much she enjoyed it. She continued to drink her water and finished it. I took the empty plastic bottle from her and tossed it in the bedroom bamboo trash.  I knew she was relaxed and was aroused. I heard her moan and saw how her body wasn't as tense anymore when I massaged more areas than some on her body.  I turned off the light and got into bed.  She snuggled and kissed me.

" Babe I appreciate everything you did tonight for me."

We kissed some and conversed some before we fell asleep.

The following morning we made love. I didn't want to last night. It was an evening to make her relax and feel loved not just for sex.

I left for working thinking about last night on how Jane pampered me and she didn't ask for sex. How lucky could I get? She told me she would be leaving her place by nine. Frankie was up to going  fishing with her.  She was going to rent a boat so he could be out in the water. Today wasn't raining but slightly cold. Laura was going to go to the spa with Kiki and be hampered.  Angela was going to work.  I was almost at work when I got a call to go to a ranch. Off I went to the ranch. When I arrive I get out, I call out. I am chloroform.  A few hours I wake up groggy and tied to a pipe in abandoned and cold building.

Frankie and I were fishing.  I get a call from Barry asking me if Maura was me. When I say no he tells me Maura is
missing.  They found her car,cell and medical bag. I  tell Barry Frankie and I will be there in forty-five minutes.

"Frankie they can't find Maura . We are driving to where her abandoned vehicle is.  Do you want me to drop you off?"

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