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We arrived at the Inn. It was more stunning than she stated to me. She gave me a tour of the inn after we unpacked.  We ate dinner in one of the dining rooms. It wasn't fancy but looked similar to a ski lodge with several fireplaces to keep us warm. The food and service was on point.  Maura had rented a 4x4 for us to arrive there safely. She let me drive to the inn. We first went by her sporting goods store.  She spoke with the employees while I went looking for ski and snowboard equipment. She wanted me to choose what I wanted for myself. She later chose hers. She paid for all and handed me a card with my name embossed on it with 50 percent off on all of her Lake Tahoe properties. She informed me that she would be notified of each location and date I used it but not what I purchased. I thanked her for the savings card and my snow equipment. On our way to the gun range, she told me we could keep the gear at the inn in a portion of the suite or I could bring it back with us. I told her I would like to bring it back with us. I could use it elsewhere. We arrived at her gun range. This place was huge. She immediately asked for two sets of earplugs for us to wear and keep and another pair each that we would heat up and mold to our inner ears. I  was introduced to her employees who weren't busy. She said we could come back here to shoot
at a later date. We left and she directed me on how to get to her cabin. She had both cabins rented. I parked and we got out. We walked the property in the snow. I now see why she had me buy snow boats which I paid for myself. The view was spectacular. We left there and she directed me how to get to the inn. The drive to the inn was very scenic. She had me park in the back. We entered through the back and two of the inn employees helped us bring everything in. We thanked them and they left.

Maura thank you for bringing me here and showing me around. I would like to buy a golf bag and equipment there for myself and my brothers. Fifty percent off I can get us the Boston Red Sox golf bags that I had seen and golf clubs. I will have to call my brothers to find out the lengths they use. I know the bags I will have to order. " " Jane I don't know what stock they have. You might be able to get everything here. Do you only want three golf bags?" " I  will
want a total of five. One is a Celtics for my partner and a nice one for Vincent that has legs and wheels for Vincent. " I  will have them check on the bags and have them save them if they have them in stock. "

We took a nice hot bath in the huge jacuzzi tub after we made love in the bedroom we weren't going to sleep in. We fell asleep right away once we were done with our bath.

Maura woke up screaming. She was having a nightmare of the recent incident of her being kidnapped and me shooting her father. I held her and was surprised no one from the inn called or checked on us to inquire if we were alright. I asked her about it. She said her bedrooms and the attached ensuites were soundproof as long as the doors and windows were closed which they were.

" Maura we need to find you a counselor as soon as possible. "  " I have a therapist.  I  will call her later on after we both make our calls. "

I agreed and we both lay down again. I held her on top of me making little circles on her back with my right pointer finger until she was sound
asleep. I eventually fell back to sleep. 

Later that day, we made our phone calls. She had a live chat on her laptop with me with her therapist. The session lasted two hours. We role-played in part of it.

We returned to the sporting goods store. I purchased everything including a new winter coat for my mother and Laura. I also bought some golf balls and ammunition,, a pair of safety glasses,  and gun cleaner equipment for my 45 I brought with me. We went back to the inn. This time Maura drove so I could see more of the view and we took a different way after we stopped to have clam chowder and a sandwich with a beer at a small diner. We paid for our own.

" Maura my Christmas shopping is almost done. You saved me a lot of money. There would be no way I could afford to get everything I did. Thank you."

I kissed her when we got back. She backed in and we unloaded everything which took a while.  The golf bags and gold clubs were in their boxes labeled. I got us three Boston Red Sox gold bags that were different.
Mayrq saved me close to ten grand. I still have to buy Nina,  Kiki, and her Christmas gift. Hers would be the hardest. I knew I would have to look in Boston at an antique store for hers and save for it. Nina and Kiki would be easy to buy for. We warmed up the earplugs and let them cool like the instructions said before I inserted them in each ear to mold them to fit me. I never had a pair like this.

Maura boiled more water water for us to have hot cocoa as we sat watching a movie. The rest of the day we stayed inside her suite talking, relaxing, and watching TV or movies.  When it came to bedtime, we only kissed.

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