Chapter 16

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A lot of time skips cuz she can't do much:/

I woke up around eight am, without being able to move without hurting. I stayed in bed playing on my phone.

Around nine-thirty, there was a knock at the door. I looked up and saw Jeff walking in with a plate of food. "Everyone is wondering about you," He whispers and hands me the plate.

I sit up carefully and begin eating. "You good?" I ask, he hasn't been himself since yesterday. "Just thinking," He pauses for a moment. "Do you think Liu hates me?"

"Oh, I didn't want to have to tell you this, but, last year I saw him and we talked. He told me about what happened after he got let out of the hospital. He was furious with you for ruining his life, quite like me. He then lost his fiancée and that's when he started his life."

"You knew he was alive and didn't tell me?" He seemed angry. "I knew how you'd react, though I was going to try to find him so y'all could meet." I stopped eating and Jeff angrily stomped out of the room. I sighed and laid the plate on my nightstand. I got on my phone for another few hours.

There was a knock on the door that pulled me out of my trance. "Who is it?"

"It's Masky and Hoodie," Masky called from behind the door. "Oh okay," He opened the door and walked in. "You doing okay?" He asked. He and Hoodie stood at the edge of my bed. "Doing better, still can't really move."

"Jeff brought you food this morning, right?"

"Yeah, but he got mad and left."

"Yeah, I assume it's because of yesterday,"

"Yeah, he hasn't seen his brother in almost two years. I knew he wouldn't take it so well."

"I see he patched you up well though," I nod. "Good," We talked for a little while longer before he and Hoodie left.

About ten minutes later they walk back in with a plate of food. Presumably dinner. Masky hands it to me and I thank him. "Jeff also said not to mention your face but no one is going to say anything. I wear my mask all the time, I know I didn't get burnt alive, but no one would say anything if they did see your face. If they do, just punch them in the face." We both laugh a bit, even Hoodie looks to be laughing a bit, without audibly laughing. "We're gonna go now. Goodnight Jane," Masky takes the empty plates on my nightstand and they leave.

I finished eating and lay down the plate on the nightstand where the other plate was. I carefully maneuver myself to where I'm lying down. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

~Next day~

I woke up to a hard knock on the door. "Huh? W-who is it?" I called. "It's EJ, I came to check on you,"

"Oh, Uhm, okay come in," EJ comes in and I cover up my face. "Hey, don't do that I got to check your wounds,"

"Are you even authorized to be doing this?" I ask and move my arm. "Yes, I was a doctor before I changed," I nod and he undoes the bandage on my cheek. I watch him.

He pulls a bag out from behind him and pulls out an alcohol wipe. He wipes the wound and I wince in pain. "How'd this even happen? No one told me anything, Slender just told me to come tend to you," He starts reapplying a bandage to my face as he says this. "I went for a walk, without my knife, and got kidnapped," I reply. He nods and turns his attention to the wounds on both my thighs. He undoes those bandages and sighs. "Got you pretty bad, huh?" I sigh and look away.

You're so stupid to go out without a knife. What were you thinking, Jane?!

"I guess so," He uses more alcohol wipes to clean up the wounds. I bite my lip trying not to cry out in pain. He continues and starts to rewrap the bandages over my thighs.

{Unexpectedly Expected} [Jane x Jeff]Where stories live. Discover now