Chapter 12

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We walked into the ballroom, our arms linked. "You look beautiful, did I tell you that?" He whispers into my ear. I chuckle and shake my head. "Well, you look stunning," He spins me again. "You aren't too bad yourself," I pat him on his chest. "Come on, we should find somewhere to sit," I drag into the direction close to the stage.

I see Sally and Ben sitting at a table with Toby and Clockwork. "Don't you look snazzy," I say to Toby. "T-thank you, Jane. You look...shit... great yourself,"

Toby was wearing a dark brown suit with hints of orange. It contrasted with Clockwork's dress but they both looked stunning together.

"Why thank you, Toby," I sit beside Sally and Jeff sits beside me. "Jeff, you look nice," Sally said happily. "So do you Sal," he says, smiling wider.

The music starts and some people get onto the dance floor. "Shall we?" Jeff holds out his hand for mine. I take his, and stand with him, "We shall."

He walks us out to the dance floor and places his hands on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

We dance to the slow song, Why Try to Change Me Now by Fiona Apple.

"My strange little world just go passing me by. Let people wonder... Let 'em laugh, let 'em frown... You know I'll love you 'til the moon's upside down. Don't you remember I was always your clown? Why try to change me now?"

The lyrics hit me hard as Jeff and I sway back and forth, I lay my head on his shoulder and sigh.

"So let people wonder. Let 'em laugh, let 'em frown. You know I'll love you 'til the moon's upside down. Don't you remember I was always your clown? So, why try to change me? Why would you want to change me? Why try to change me now?"

The first part of the last chorus hits hard. It's like saying let people think what they want to think about me and Jeff.

Jeff leans his head onto mine and sighs. He twirls me as the song ends. I laugh as he pulls me into a hug.

Some more exciting songs begin to play, and more people get on the dance floor. I drag Jeff to sit back down and see that Ben and Sally have gone to dance.

Clockwork moves to sit beside me and leans to whisper in my ear. "I saw y'all dancing, and you say y'all aren't a thing," I roll my eyes. "We aren't," I turn to see Jeff talking to Ej.

He's wearing a dark blue suit, matching his mask and going well with Nina's dress. I wonder where Nina is. I look and see her dancing with Zero.

Feel This Moment by Pitbull ft. Christiana Aguilera plays. I see Sally run towards me and drag me onto the floor. "Come on, Jane!" She yells. I hold her hands as we both dance. Hopping around and laughing.

The song ends and I look back at our table to see Jeff staring at me. I put my attention back on Sally as she continues dancing to the next song.

Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People plays and Sally and I continue dancing.

When the song ends Slender walks onto the stage. I walk Sally and myself back to our table and I sit facing the stage. I cross my legs and I can feel Jeff's palm rest on my hip from behind me.

Slender taps the microphone with his slender finger making sure it's on. "Welcome everyone, I hope you're enjoying the party so far. I see many people on the dance floor having a great time. I believe you know, we have a party each time we gain a new member, and so I would like her to come up here. Where is she?"

A spotlight blinds me and I squint my eyes. Jeff stands helping me up and I walk towards the stage.

The spotlight follows until it can't see me anymore and I walk up the stage stairs. Slender holds out his hand politely and I take it. He leads me to the middle of the stage.

"You probably know her or have heard of her, but everyone meet, Jane Arkansaw. Known as Jane the killer." People clap or cheer. "Jane, you can say something if you'd like." I nod and walk up to the mic, Slender bends it down to my height.

"Hello everybody, like Slendy here said, my name's Jane. If you didn't know, it all started with my very own best friend. I won't name him, you probably know who. But he hurt me and caused me to look and be like I am. However, if I was able to change my fate I wouldn't change everything. Everyone I've met has been so amazing. I'm excited to meet everyone who I haven't met yet. A little bit more about me though, my favorite color is black and I'm 18. Thank you for welcoming me into your house and being hospitable, I'm happy to be here." I finish and look at Slendy.

He nods and walks back up to the mic. "Don't be afraid to come talk to Jane, I'm sure she'll be glad for more friends." I walk off the stage and back to my table.

Clockwork and Sally pull me into a hug. "Were you scared, Jane?" Sally asked. They pulled away and I walked back to my seat. "No, I just had to say some stuff about myself."

"You did great, Jane," Clockwork smiles and sits back beside Toby. "Thank you,"

"Jeff, come with m-me to get drinks," Toby asked. Jeff nodded and stood up. He patted me on my shoulder before walking away with Toby.

Scream & Shout by and Britney Spears begins to play. Clockwork stands and drags Sally and me onto the dance floor. We dance happily.

The song ends and I try to catch my breath. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO plays. Sally runs to find Ben and Clockwork grabs my hands and we begin dancing again. "Ugh, this song is going to kill my feet," I whine. Clockwork laughs. "Yeah, mine too,"

"Come on, I think the boys are back." I drag Clockwork back to our table. Masky and Hoodie are talking with Jeff and Toby.

Masky and Hoodie were both wearing matching black suits.

We walked up to them and Toby twirled Clockwork. She laughed and sat in her seat. Masky patted me on my back and said I did a good job talking on stage.

"Oh, wait," He stops and turns around. "Where'd you get the necklace? It's beautiful,"

"Oh, thank you, it was a gift,"

"That's nice," Masky walks back over to Hoodie and joins the chat with Toby.

I turn and see Sally running towards me with Jill and a guy who looks similar to her. Sally stands beside me and Jill smiles at me. "Jane, I don't think you've met my boyfriend, this is Jack, Laughing Jack, but people call him L.J." I wave at him. "Hi," His cheerful-sounding voice shocks me. "I've been out lately, when did you get brought in?" He asks. "Tuesday," He waves and smiles as Jill drags him back onto the dance floor.

Jeff walks over and pats Sally's head. "Jane, let's go dance!" Sally grabs mine and Jeff's hands dragging us both on the dance floor. We danced and laughed hard. Jeff twirled Sally and me, Sally giggled and continued dancing.

The song ended and I saw Slendy and two other males who looked like him walking toward me. Jeff notices what I'm looking at and places his hand on my shoulder. "Splendor! Trendor!" Sally runs and hugs the males beside Slender.

"Jane, I see you're having a good time. I would like you to meet my brothers," He stopped in front of me and pointed at the two slender-like men beside him. "These are my older brothers, Splendor and Trender."

The first one was wearing a suit, like Slender's, but with polka dots all over it, he also had a face, unlike Trendor or Slender. And he wore a big top hat.

The second was wearing a dress shirt with a sweater vest, and he was wearing glasses on his plain white face like Slender's. I waved at them and Splendor waved happily. "Nice to meet you, Jane," Trendor held out his hand for me to shake. I shake his hand and nod. "Nice to meet you two too,"

"I'm glad you're having a great time, Jane, I'm sorry, but I did not invite my other brother to the party in fear of what he could do."

"Oh, it's okay, Slender!" They turn and head towards the bar. Sally hops back to me and Jeff, happily. The rest of the night was filled with dancing, meeting new people, and laughter.

Word count: 1498

Just imagine her meeting more people and more newish creepypastas. I'm not writing all that. (Your imagination might come into play later)

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