Chapter 1

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I wasn't gonna do 2 in one day but I can add it.

Two years later

     It's around mid-November, chilly and rainy, two years since I left the hospital. I spent the last two years breaking into homes to sleep. Not really doing much crime, unless I needed to.

I'm walking in the rain with my head down. My dress isn't made for this. I groan and look for a house to break into. I climb through the window and walk around. It seems like no one's home. I walk around, looking for anything I could take. I find a bedroom, looks like a master bedroom, but for a female living by herself. I look through the closet for something to take. I found black laced gloves, that could work. I put them on and continue looking through the closet. I find this white cropped jacket and tried it on. It fits! I laugh to myself and continue looking around, eating something since I haven't ate anything in a few weeks.

I heard the door open and quickly ran to hide. I heard the girl, obviously drunk or high, mumbling to herself. I take out my knife and am ready whenever she passes. She walks by the closet and I leap out of the closet that I was hiding in. I quickly stab her in her shoulder and stomach before whispering my phrase, "Don't go to sleep, you won't wake up." I don't really care if the police find her body, they don't know what I look like and it's always a message to Jeff.

I pat her down looking for anything valuable. I find a phone and some cash. I take them both and walk back to her room, looking for a charger for the phone. I find it plugged in beside her bed and I take that too. I look around for something else. Maybe a purse or a satchel, or something useful of the such. I end up finding a black Fanny pack. Everything I find is just always in my favorite color ain't it? I laugh to myself and placed everything in the pack and strapped it to my waist. I didn't find anything else useful, only some more cash. I stuffed a few packed foods into the pack so wherever I go next I'll have some food. I don't eat much so I'm weighing around ninety to one hundred pounds. I decided a nap wouldn't hurt so I laid down to rest.

     It was probably four hours after falling asleep that I was woken up by a creak on the floorboards. I could tell whoever did it, didn't mean to make the floors creak because it quickly got silent again. Whoever this was I'm surprised they haven't found the body downstairs. I grabbed my knife that I had hidden under the pillow and acted asleep.

I heard the bedroom door creak open. Someone, a man by the sound of his footsteps, getting closer and closer to me. I heard them stop and climb onto the edge of the bed, watching me. I felt something thin run up my leg through the blanket. A knife. I suppose. I lunged up, catching the man off guard. He froze for a moment.

That face... I know him from somewhere...

It was the one, the only, Jeff the Killer.

He observed my face before lunging at me. I dodged and fell out of the bed, onto the ground. "Long time no see, eh?" He says, the same raspy voice of the man I used to love. "I don't even get a hi?" He asks, getting off the bed. I quickly stand and into a fighting position. Still not uttering a word. "Oh? You're still mad at me?" He says sarcastically.

This is where I'd snap and bark back but I'm too mature for his childish games.

"So, I get the silent treatment? This isn't like the Janey I used to know," he frowns, though with that stupid permanent smile cut into his face, you couldn't tell. I roll my eyes at his comment. He starts walking towards me, my heart tells me to run into his arms and cry, but my brain tells me otherwise. I tense up, backing up into a desk, and knocking stuff off it.

I still don't dare look away, he could easily take advantage of me if I let my guard down, like I did before. I shake my head as the thoughts of my parents flood my brain.

He stops in front of me, showing obvious signs of growth we've both had since that last time we saw each other. "Jeff, leave me alone," I mutter, angrily. "Why? We haven't seen each other in months!" He laughs.

Since he wasn't doing anything I try walking away but he grabs me and throws me over to the bed. I hit the edge and stumble down onto the floor, dropping my knife. I looked up, angry. He couldn't see it but hate and revenge flooded my eyes. I lunged back at him, managing to hit him in the stomach. He groans and stumbles around, trying to gain his composure. I grabbed my knife off the floor and threw it. It landed in his shoulder. He pulled it out and threw it back at me. I tried to dodge it but it nicked me in my abdomen. I winced in pain. My knife landed on the floor again, and I quickly bent down to grab it.

I was quicker than Jeff and tried walking away, but that little twat grabbed my calf and made me fall to the floor.

I rolled over only to see his legs straddling my hips. My face grew red but it was hidden by my mask. He lifted his knife, ready to stab me but before he could I lifted my hands covering my face, and the knife went straight through my left hand. I cried out in pain, but Jeff just laughed.

I used this opportunity to use my body strength to flip us over. Jeff's face turned a light shade of pink before the color strained away. I punched him in the face and stood up, quickly grabbing my knife and shoes. I walked to Jeff still on the floor. I lifted my mask to show my mouth and blew a kiss to him before walking out of the room.

I'm glad I slept with almost everything on so I didn't have to worry, everything else was already in my Fanny pack. I put my heels on and put my knife back in my holster that I found at one of my previous break-ins. I saw I was bleeding and grabbed some supplies out of the bathroom before running out of the house.

The girl's body from before was still there, untouched.

I ran as far away as I could. I might seem like a wuss for running from the guy I want to kill the most but I have a feeling I'll be seeing him much more often.

I run into the woods and find a secluded area to tend to my wounds. I clean them thoroughly and patch them up. I kept a reminder to always have a sewing kit on me in case of situations like this. I sew up my dress, making it look brand new even though it's only two years old. I know I shouldn't but I ended up falling asleep there, against a tree.

Word count: 1256

Editing it thru lol. Changing some stuff.

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