Chapter 2

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Surprise I'm doing another one though idk if I'll get it done today (might do half today half tmr lol)

I wake up being carried by someone, running through the woods. The man had a mask on, kind of like mine but with eye holes. He was brown-headed and brown-eyed. I started freaking out, trying to escape his grasp but he took hold of me stronger. "Don't freak out, I'm trying to help you," he whispered, barely audible but I heard.

"Where are you taking me?" I yelled.

"Keep your voice down! I'm taking you to my boss." He whispered-yelled. I shut up and he continued running.

I tried checking my pack to see if I had everything on me. Dang it! I guess I forgot to put my sewing kit back in my pack before falling asleep.

I sighed and he finally stopped running, coming to a speed-walking speed. He looks around like he's worried. "We're almost there," he says and continues walking.

Soon I see a big house in the distance, he can't live there by himself?! He said his boss lives here right? "Your boss lives here?" I ask. "Yes, not just him, there are more people who live here." "Why are you taking me here?"

"I need to know what to do with you, you seem like a fighter but this is his woods," he walks into the house, while I'm still in his arms. I know I'm light but he's got to be very strong.

He walks into what seems like the living room and I see more people, two children playing on the couch, someone in a hoodie cooking in the kitchen, and there are also a few people sitting at the table but the man is moving too fast for me to see them fully. He runs upstairs, my body barely moving as he hops up the stairs.

A few flights up he finally walks through the hall into a big office. A man with a white, featureless, face is sitting at the desk in the middle of the room. "Hello Masky," the man's voice booms around the room, hurting my head.

How can he talk without a mouth? How can he live?!

Masky, as he was called, finally puts me down and I wobble as I stand, my ankle a bit hurt after the fight with Jeff and running so much. "Sit," Masky instructs me. I sit in the chair beside me and he remains standing. "Sir, I found her in the woods, she was passed out and I thought you'd need to see her," Masky explains how he came to find me and why he brought me. I wondered why myself but I zoned out.

"Well, Jane, you're welcome if you'd like to stay," the faceless man's voice boomed, pulling me out of my trance.

"How do you know my name? And what is this place?" I asked.

"They call this place the Slenderman Mansion, but I like to call it home. I know a lot about you, Jane, I know what happened to you. I was watching over you and Jeff, I know why you were in the woods today," he explained well, I trusted him since he said he knew about my family. "Masky can take you to your room." Masky nodded and I stood. I follow him out of the room.

He told me that they're are four floors, the top three meaning levels of power. People like myself, who have been fighting for a while and very strong we're on the third floor. Powerful beings like Slenderman, were on the fourth floor, where his office was. And young children or 'creepypastas' as they are called, stayed on the second.

He led me to an empty room, pretty decent in size, and it looked like it had been decorated for me.

The walls were black, the floor of black marble, and a black and white bed lies in the middle of the room.

I thanked him and he left. I walk around my new room, getting used to it. I sat on the bed and found a place to charge the phone I got when someone knocked on the door. "Come in," I yelled and they opened the door. It was Masky again, he had some towels and some clothes in his hands and handed them to me. "It's some extra clothes and towels, Slender had your name engraved into the towels so no one will take them if you leave them in the bathroom." "Thanks, I have a question." He stood straight and crossed his arms. "Is this what you do?" "Cross my arms?" He asked sarcastically. "No, I mean like, recruit people to join you or what?" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Oh, no not just that. We do what he tells us to do,"

"We?" I ask.

"Yeah, us proxies."


"It's only three of us, we, myself, Hoodie, and Toby, we were recruited to do the work of Slenderman."

"But can't he just do it himself?"

"Yes, and he does, sometimes. But he likes to stay here and watch over the house." I nodded. "Also there's no fighting, like physical violence, allowed in the house. I know you don't like Jeff, but he lives here too." I groan and roll my eyes. "I hate him after what he did to me."

"We know, he talks about it a lot." I was shocked but I nodded. "Don't be surprised if people knock, they heard we got someone new so they'll want to come to say hi," he informed me. I nodded. "Don't get offended if some people don't,"

"I won't, I actually want to sleep right now, could you tell them not to right now?" He nodded and left.

I took my heels, my Fanny pack, and gloves off. I laid down and quickly fell asleep.

Word count: 988
Short chapter but she's now apart of the CreepyPasta family lol! Also first pov change next chapter! And I did get it done in one day. I'm out of school rn cuz of Presidents' Day but I won't be tmr so idk if I'll get one out tmr. Chapt 3 is a pretty decent size (maybe as long as chapt 1)

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