the chalk outline.

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"Hey lilly," said jess. " Oh hi," lilly said. "Um, I don't know if Luke told you, but you and Luke are coming over for dinner tonight," countuined the teenage girl. "Oh, he didn't tell me, thanks," jess said with a smile. It was a dark night in winter. "Here, let me walk you home," jess said. After a while of no talk. Lilly had fallen for this kid she only kewn him for a day. She never fell this quickly, but It felt different for him.  "So angel, what time is dinner?" Said jess in a formal voice. "It's on at seven, but if you want, you could come earlier," lilly said with a smile. "Will do," jess replied. "So see you at seven," said jess. "Bye, angel," jess said. "See ya," lilly said as she closed her door.
"Guys, Luke and jess are here," lorelai shouted. "Ok, I'll get it," lilly shouted. "Hey lucas," lilly said. "Never call me that again," Luke said, walking into the kitchen. "Hey angel," jess said with a smile. "Hi," lilly said.

"Hey lills, where's jess?" Asked Luke. "He's outside. I'll go get him," lilly replied."Hey," lilly said. "Hey," jess Mumbled. "I'm bored," he said. "How can I help with that?" Lilly asked scarstaicly. "Let's go, to doses," jess said. "Why?"Just come on angel, it would be fun," jess said. Jess took lilly by the hand, and they ran to doses. "Lie on the ground," lilly  said. "Okay," jess replied. Lilly drew an outline of jess, and she started to blush. Lilly hoped jess did not notice her blushing, but he did. "Done," lilly said. "Wow, angel, that's impressive," said jess. "It's just a chalk outline, nothing much," said the teenage girl. The pair ran back to rorys and were greeted by lorelai. "Where have you been?" She asked. "Mom, we just went on a walk, no biggie," lilly said. "You ready to eat?" She asked. "Yeah," lorelai said. "The gang are all here," lorelai shouted. "Yay, I'm starving," rory said. "Hey, what the hell took you so long, huh?" Asked rory. "We went on a walk, no biggie right," said lilly. "You know the president said exercise and were very patriotic," jess said, and with that, they all began to eat.

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