the parents partner

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"Mom, I might not be able to come to dinner next friday," lilly said to her mother at lukes. "How come?" Lorelai asked. "She's meeting my mom and her new soon to be husband," jess chimed in. "I have to go talk to mom about wedding venues. See you later, lills, " jess said, giving lilly a kiss, and he walked out the door. "So, are things getting serious?" Rory asked. "I can't really tell because we haven't had the talk yet," Lilly said, pouring coffee into a mug. "As in the baby talk," lorelai asked. "No! Mom the 'where are we talk' " rory said. "Yes," lilly high fived her sister.

Lilly and jess were walking around town and chatting about everything and anything they could think of. "Luke told me the first day I came here that you were the girl version of me," jess said. "He's not wrong," he continued, "you know what just occurred to me is that we were very fortunate to have teeth in this wonderful interaction" lilly said as she pulled away from jess's kiss. "Yes, very fortunate," jess said, trying to pull her back in to kiss her. "Can you imagine if braces were involved in this interaction?" Lilly said, now kissing him after her sentence."It'd be a blood bath," jess said.  "I can't catch my breath," lilly said, now trying to breathe as jess kissed her neck. "You're not supposed to angel," jess replied. The couple walked back to lukes. "So, do you want help with your homework?" Jess asked as they walked back into lukes."Wow, have the turns have tabled Lane said, holding daves hand as she walked out the door of lukes. Lilly turned around and did a phone signal to Lane. Lane gave her the thumbs up in return.  The pair went upstairs. "Have I told you that you're cute?" Lilly said in a cute voice."I believe so," jess replied as they started making out again. "Jess," lilly said. "Yeah, angel." Jess said,"I love you," lilly said. "And I completely understand if you don't want to say it back because I know it's a hard thing to say, so believe me, I had been thinking about saying this word for weeks" lilly said. "I love you too," jess said with a smile.

Lilly ran back to her house.
"Rory! Rory! Rory!" She yelled. Rory and Lane were in rorys room. "Yeah, what's up?" rory asked. "I told jess I love him." She said, now panting because she ran so far. "And what did he say!" Said rory and Lane now jumping from their seats. "He told me he loves me," she said, now running into rorys room. " OMG!" Said rory hugging her sister.

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