movies and grandparents

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Jess pov.

I was walking with lilly to lukes to start our shift. "Hey, jess?" She asked. "Yeah?" I replied, kissing her forhead. "I have an idea," she said, looking up at me. "Lilly, when you say that I don't know whether to be excited or nervous, but what is it?" I say,"Can we watch all three alvin and the Chipmunks movies? I know there are four, but the second one is really bad, " she says as we get closer to the diner. "Sure," I say. Great and can i -" she says before I cut her off. "Stay over yeah sure" I say. Lilly looks at me as if I just gave her the most amazing news and kisses me a thousand times. By the time I get into lukes, I have to run to the bathroom because I have red lipstick marks all over my face and neck. "Whoa, jess, what the hell happened to you?" lorelai asked. "I have no mouth now. I'm covered in red lipstick marks, and your daughter wants to do it with a god damn chipmunk, " I say scarstaicly. "But which chipmunk?" Lilly asked, following me upstairs.

Third person pov
"Girls, your grandfather is coming tonight, so I just warning you," lorelai said. "Why?" Asked rory. "Mom wants him out of the house because he is a pain in her ass lately," lorelai said, putting a blanket over her. "Oh okay," lilly said. "Mom, I'm staying over at lukes tonight," lilly said. "Okay," lorelai said.
The next day.
Lilly ran to lukes and ran straight up the stairs. "Whao, why the hell are you so out of breath?" Jess asked as he kissed my head. "My grandfather is here, and he told me he wants to meet you, and I ran to go get you, but can you please come over at 6?" Lilly said, panting. "Yeah, sure," "thanks jess I know you don't like these things," lilly says.

When 6pm finally arrived, lilly greeted jess at the door.  "Hi," lilly said. "Hi, you look beautiful," jess said, giving her a kiss. "Thanks, come in," lilly took his jacket and put it on the coat hanger. "Hi jess," lorelai and rory said. "Hi," replied jess. "Grandpa, this is jess. Jess, my grandfather," lilly said, interduceing the two. "Lovely to meet you," Richard said. "Same here," jess replied, shaking Richards hand. "So, jess, what do you plan on doing when you're older?" Richard asked. "I want to be an author when I'm older, but I'm still figuring out where I want to live after high school," jess replied. "Are you not from Stars hollow?" Asked lillys grandfather. "I'm from New york, but I moved her about a year ago," jess said. Everone was seated at the table. "Lilly has told me a lot about you," Richard said. "How long have the two of you been together?" He asked. Jess and lilly looked unsure at the question, trying to figure out when they started dating. "Um, I think we're together about two months," lilly said, looking at rory as if she knew. After dinner, lilly decided to walk jess back to lukes. "That went surprisingly well," lilly said, holding jess's hand. "Yeah, your grandfather is a nice man," jess repiled. They got to lukes. "I'll see you tomorrow," jess said. "Yeah, see you tomorrow," lilly said as she kissed jess. When lilly got home, she got a call from jess. "Hey," he said. "Hi, is something wrong?" lilly asked. "No, mom's wedding is tomorrow, and also, she's here, and I need to stay over at your place," jess said. "Yeah, sure, come over now," lilly replied. She hung up the phone and told lorelai that jess was staying over.

Lillys pov.
"Hey," I said as jess walked in. "Hey angel," jess replied, kissing my forhead.  "Is your grandfather here?" Jess asked, looking around the room. "No, he had a meeting." I say.  "Hey, jess," rory said. "Hey rory,"  jess replied. The phone rang.  I ran to get it. "Hi, is rory gilmore there?" Asked the voice on the phone. "Yeah," i replied, handing the phone to her sister. "Hi logan," rory said. Jess and i turned around. "Who's logan?" Jess wisperd. "Probably some guy from yale," i wisperd. The pair sat down on the couch beside rory, pretending to look at the tv guide on the coffee table. Rory hung up the phone. "Who was that?" Asked lilly. "No one," rory replied. "Really, because no one sounds like someone who called three times this week," i said. "Yeah, he did he works on the yale daily news," rory replied. Jess  nodded.  I turned on the stero and played some music. "Hey, what ya listening to?" Jess asked. "One direction there, my favourite band." I say kissing his cheek. "What song is it?" he asked. "It's from their fourth album it's called clouds its really good," I say as I put on my slippers. "It's good," jess said. "Omg, this is the fourth time today. lilly turn the god damn song off," rory said from the other side of the room. "Really, four times, you listened to this," jess said, sitting on my bed. "Yes! And now I practically know all the words, " rory said, looking cross at me. The next song played, and rory started singing it. "You got that one thing," she said. "Yay, you like one direction," I said teasingly. "Shut up," rory said "Hey at least it's better than what makes you beautiful," jess said. "True, that song kinda sucks," I say. "Hey angel" starts playing. "Is that why you call her angel because of that sing? Because if it's that reason, that's cute," rory said. "No, I call her angel because she was wearing a te shirt with an angel on it when I came here for dinner," jess says.  "LILLY!" Lorelai shouts. I ran out of the room. "Yeah," I say. "Who's logan? There's like 730 messages from him," mom says,"he's rorys friend," I say. "Ok," Mom replied. "Rory, your boyfriend left you 730 messages again," I say scarstaicly. "Lilly, he's not my boyfriend, but thanks," rory says.

The next day, everyone in town was getting ready for the wedding.

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