sookies wedding

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It was the morning of sookies wedding. "Hey, look, who's here?" lorelai shouted. Rory and lilly ran from the sofa. "Hey, don't you look all fancy," said lilly. "Hey," rory said and kissed her boyfriend Dean on the cheek. "So how are the gilmores?" dean asked. "Well, you know one of us is in love. One of us is single and one of us -" lilly started before lorelai cut her off. "- went to nyc yesterday to go see someone," lorelai said. "Sorry, what?!?" Dean said in utter disbelief. "That someone was me, and in case you were wondering who I went to see, you shall never know," lilly said, brushing her hair. Rory wisperd jess's name in Dean's ear. "You're dead, rory," lilly said. 

"Hey, Luke," jess said as Luke walked into the apartment.  "Hey, jess," Luke said. "I moved back," jess said. "That's good. It's sookies wedding today, and you know lilly was missing you a ton, so it's better off not to go near them, " Luke said. "Okay," jess Mumbled.
Third person pov
"Hey," dean said, walking up to rory and lilly. "Rory, hide him as soon as 9 pm comes," lilly said. "Why?" dean asked. "You'll be brought into Miss pattys hotel room and never come out alive." Rory said, and the three of them started laughing. Lilly looked over and saw jess standing by a tree. "Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later,"  lilly said as she walked over to jess "Hey" jess said. "Hi, what are you doing here?" lilly asked. "I moved back," said the teenage boy. "Why?" Lilly asked him.  "I just wanted to," jess replied. Lilly looked at him and kissed him.  She pulled away. "Lilly," jess said. "Don't say a word," lilly said. "Okay," jess Mumbled. Lilly ran away. "Also, welcome home!" Said the girl as she ran.

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