marathons and other things

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"Hey rory," lilly said, walking onto the living room. "Hey," said rory. "Are you dancing with mom for the marathon because I have to work with Luke and jess?" lilly said, sinking down into the sofa beside her sister. "Yeah, I am," replied her sister. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Rory yelled. Rory ran to the door, and jess answered. "Hey." Jess said. "Hey," rory replied. Jess walked into the living room. "Hey," lilly said. "Hey yourself, you ready to go?" Jess asked. "Yeah," the pair walked out of the house. "Hold your horses. Where are you going?" Rory asked . "Work and the bookstore," lilly replied. "Okay bye," rory said, giving the pair a small wave.

It was the day of the dance marathon and lorelai rory, and lilly were up at 6 am. "Hey girls." Babbete said. "Hi babette," all of the gilmores said. "Lilly jess was looking for you, and he's in the gym," babette said. "Thank you, babette!" Lilly said as she ran to the gym.

Jess pov
Lilly came into the gym, and she kissed me, and then we got to work. I don't even like working at the diner, so I started working at wallmart to get some extra cash. I only work at the diner mainly because lillys there and she pretty. Other than that, I can't think of any other reason that I would work at the diner. When we set everything up, Luke came in with lorelai and rory and a flask. "Um, Luke, that's a flask," I said, putting my arm around my girlfriend. "Yeah, I know, jess," Luke Mumbled. "Luke, what do you have in the flask?" Lilly asked. "Coffee because your caffeine addicted mother and sister adore this stuff, and their gonna die at 57 mark my words," Luke said. "Hey um luke I think you forgot that I also carry the trait of adoring caffeine." Lilly replies, putting a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Yeah, the three of you make up like half of my sales," Luke said. "Now the two of you get lost, please," Luke said . "Whatever you say uncle luke" lilly said. Rory and lorelai started laughing. "Uncle Luke?" Rory asked. "Shut it, scab nose," lilly said, and we walked out the door.

Third person pov
The teenagers ran back to lukes. "So what do you wanna do?" Jess asked as they got up stairs. "I dont know," lilly answered. After a while of no talk, lilly broke the silence. "Jess, I think I'm ready," lilly said. "For what?" jess asked. "For it," replied the teenage girl. It took jess a few minutes to realise what his girlfriend was talking about. "Are you sure?" Jess said. "Yes," lilly said, nodding her head as she spoke "Okay" jess said before shutting the door behind him

Lilly and jess ran back to the gym. "Rory rory rory," lilly yelled. "Yeah, what's up?" Rory wisperd. "I did it with jess," lilly replied. "It?" Rory asked. "Yes!" Lilly said, jumping up and down. "As in..." rory said. "Yeah," "Yay," rory said, giving her a hug. "I gotta go bye," lilly said. "Bye," rory replied. "Hey," jess said, giving lilly a kiss on the forehead. "Hey," lilly replied. The pair countuined working at the stand until the run-around started. "Oh lord, not again," lilly muttered. "Please say they don't do this every year. They're gonna break a neck or a leg," jess said, watching in amazement and counfousion. Luke and lilly nodded. "You're kidding," jess said. "No, we're not, and to be honest, kirk is probably gonna win again. So how much you wanna bet I have a bet with mom and rory 20 bucks each, " lilly said. "You're on," jess and Luke said. "EVERONE CAN SEE RORY," dean shouted. "YOUVE BEEN INTO HIM SENICE YOU JOINED THAT SCHOOL AND IVE SPENT WEEKS MONTHS ACTUALLY CONVINCING MYSELF THAT ITS NOT TRUE." He said. "Omg," jess and lilly mouthed. Rory went down to the lake, followed by lilly. "Hey, sis, you okay?" Lilly asked, rubbing her back. "No, it's not fair. I was never into Tristan, and Dean knows that I've told him so many times, and he just won't listen to me, " rory said, sobbing . "Listen okay tomorrow your gonna have a day in your pjs and watch tv, and eat loads and loads of crap okay and if you want to show your face in public go to lukes" lilly said. "I dont need to wallow lilly, and jess is waiting for you, so go ill be fine, trust me," rory said. "Are you sure because I can stay and jess will totally understand, so if you want me to -" lilly said. "Go," and with that, lilly walked off. "Hey, jess Luke's mom, give me the 20s," lilly said as she walked back to lukes. The three of them gave lilly her 20 dollar started working behind the counter. "How's rory?" Lorelai asked. "I told her that she could -" lilly said before jess inturperd her. "Wallow?" Jess asked. "Yeah, she won't wallow," lorelai said. "she wallowed last time they broke up," lilly said, pouring lorelais Cup of coffee. "Just give her time," lorelai said. Lilly nodded her head.

Lorelai and lilly came home to rory sitting on the couch in her pjs. "I'm ready to wallow now," rory said, sobbing.

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