bye bye birde

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"Angel," jess yelled. Jess kissed her as soon as lilly opened her eyes. "What happened, and why are we in lukes?" she asked. "We got in a crash," jess said. "Where's Rory and mom?" Asked lilly. "Their on their way," jess said. A while later, lilly was asleep on her bed.

"Moring," Luke said. "Hey, lills jess told me to leave you this," 
Dear angel.
I'm sorry I had to go. I couldn't see you hurt. I know lorelai and rory probably hate me. Take care of yourself. P.s. I'm in NYC.
Lilly ran out of lukes and dialled jess's  number.
"Hey," "Hey angel," "I don't care what you say, I'm coming to nyc." What, why? " "To see you. please come home jess it doesn't feel the same" "I wish I could angel but I can't just let me know when your comming"  "Okay bye jess" "Bye angel".  The girl walked back into lukes with tears in her eyes. "It's gonna be fine," lorelai said. "It's not. It's not  fair that he's gone,  gone, as in I want you to come home gone, and it doesn't feel the same without jess" lilly said now crying into her mom's arms.

Lilly woke up the next  morning and got the bus all the way to New york. "Thank you," said lilly as she got off the bus stop. She saw a young teenage boy on a bench. She walked over to him. "Hey, what book is that?" lilly asked. The boy  was about to glare at her until he realised who it was. "Hey angel," jess said. He got up from behind the bench and kissed her. "Did ya miss me?" Lily asked in a cute voice. "Yeah, of course I did," he said, now kissing her in between words. "So how long are you here for?" Jess asked. "Oh, for a few hours," lilly replied. "Nice, so anything going on back in stars hollow," jess asked. "Not really except mom's upset that I keep crying about you and rory tells me to shut up although I didn't do that when rory and Dean broke up, so she's just being annoying." Lilly said. Jess leaned in and kissed her passionately. "Thank you," he said. "Sorry, I just had the urge to kiss you, sorry." He mumbled. "It's fine, jess, don't worry," said lilly. A while later, lilly had to go back to Stars Hollow. "Why are we at the bus stop early?" She asked jess. "So I can do this," jess said and started making out with her. "I'm gonna miss you," lilly said, now starting to cry. "Angel, it's okay. I'll be home soon, and really, I mean that, " jess said  she kissed him, "Can you stay until the bus leaves?" She asked. "No problem," jess said. Lilly got on to the bus. "Why did you come here?" Jess asked. Lilly opened the window. "What?"I said," Why did you come here?" Jess repeated "because you didn't say goodbye, " lilly told him. "Bye, angel."  "Bye, jess,"

Lilly got home to see lorelai and rory looking worried. "Where were you? we were worried sick." Both rory and lorelai said "I' went to New york."  lilly said. " Why?" Rory asked. "To see jess," lilly said, now running into her house. "I'm sick. I have a mental problem, and I shouldn't have gone. I'm sorry, " lilly said "honey your not sick, and you don't have a mental problem mabye your falling for jess, " lorelai said. "Mabye," lilly said.

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