weddings and festivals

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lilly went to lukes to talk to jess before the wedding. "Hey," he said. "Hey," lilly said back. The pair went downstairs. "Do you want coffee?" Lilly asked. "Yes, please," jess and liz answered. "I have to go get toothpaste. I'll be back," jess said. "How are you feeling?" Lilly asked liz. "Nervous but excited," liz answered. "How are things going with you and jess?" She asked. "Good," lilly answered. When the wedding finally came, everyone was ready to go. Jess walked liz down the Isle and took a seat beside lilly. "She looks beautiful," lilly wispers to jess. "Yeah," he replied.
"What the hell are you two laughing about?" Jess hissed at lorelai, and Luke."Have you seen tj he looks like he's from the 1600s, " Luke says. "Yeah, you're right," jess repiled. After the ceremony, everyone was on the dance floor or drinking. "Hey guys," rory said. "Hey yourself, who's this?" Lilly asks, nodding at the guy beside her. "I'm logan," he said. "This is lilly, and this is her boyfriend, jess," jess and lilly shook logans hand. "Is that why you were teasing her?" jess asked. "Yup," lilly replied. "Well, she done the same thing to me, so I had to get her back," lilly said. "Fair," jess said. "So, both of you are still in high school?" Logan asked. "Yeah, it's a pain," jess repiled. "I feel your pain," logan said, taking a chair beside them. "So what are ye high-school sweethearts rock around the clock two straws in the milkshake or do ye have a chlander and monica thing going?" Logan asked. "Chlander and moncia thing," lilly said. "Cool," logan said. "We gotta go," rory said. "See ya," jess and I repiled. A while later, lilly was talking to rory. "Hey, have you seen jess?" Lilly asked. "No, but check lukes apartment," rory replied. lilly ran up to lukes and jess was sitting on a chair. "Hey, can I come in?" She asked."Yeah," jess Mumbled. "Sad boy, what's wrong?" Lilly asked, rubbing her fingers through his hair. "Nothing, I just kinda sick of this -" jess said. "The whole I'm gonna be with you forever thing and then they get divorced yeah I know I would be sick of it too," lilly said before kissing him. "So do you wanna go back down there?" Lilly asked in a cute voice. "Yeah," jess replied. They went back down to the party. "Hey, when 11 comes and miss Patty,  is like, REALLY drunk, you're gonna stay at mine, okay?" lilly wisperd. "Why?" "Because you will go to her house and never come out alive, " she countuined. "Yeah, you should say that to logan as well." jess replied. Later that night, jess was staying over at the gilmores. "Hey rory, where's mom?" Lilly asked. "She's with alex," rory said. "Do you wanna play pictionary?" Lilly asked. "Yeah!" Rory answered. "Okay, how about the teams are me and jess and you and logan?" she countuined. "Okay, I'll get logan." Rory said. They started playing the game and it was lillys turn she got a song and the sing she picked was "Hey angel." She started drawing. "Come on, jess, you know this," she said. "Oh! Oh! Hey angel, " he said. "YES! " Is this normal?" Logan asked jess. "Is it normal when the gilmores go mad? Yeah, because they are kinda crazy anyway. You'll get used to it," jess said later that night. Everybody was asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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