the partner approval

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Lilly walked over to lukes on her day off to go see jess. "Hey," she said. "Hey yourself." jess got up from his chair and pulled lilly into him. "You're still coming to dinner, right?" Jess asked. "OF course I am," she said. "Good," jess replied. "Does this count as a date?" jess asked after kissing lillys face and neck. " No, our actual date will be different." lilly said. "Cool, because I was hoping that this -" lilly kissed him and got a soda from the fridge . "Wanna watch TV?" She asked. " Sure," jess said as he kissed her neck.

"Bye mom," lilly called from her room "Bye lills see you later," lorelai replied as lilly walked out the door. Jess's car was parked outside. "Hey," jess said as he kissed lillys cheek. "Hi," lilly said, smiling. "You look beautiful," jess said, as he kissed lillys hand."Thank you." "You know I always hated this place," lilly continued. "Really because it doesn't seem like it," jess replied. "Well, to be honest, I just don't like taylor because of all the festivals he has, like come on, there's too many," lilly said, chucking.

At dinner
Lilly and jess walked into the 'old Kings head,' which was the name of the restaurant. "By the way, I plan on us leaving here in exactly two hours," jess said as he saw his mother come in. "Okie dokie," said lilly. "Jess, lilly, this is tj," liz said with a smile on her face. "Hey," jess said, putting his hand out for tj to shake. "So liz Is this your other kid because you only told me about jess" tj said. Lilly was embarrassed, so she wiped her face to hide her red cheeks, and jess nearly laughed his head off. "Tj, this is jess 's girlfriend." Liz said, hitting tj playfully
"Oh, sorry," he replied.

"Omg," lilly said as they got in the car. "I know he seams nice, though, and I've had to go through a lot of this," jess said. Lilly gave him a kiss on the cheek, and they started driving. Lilly got a call on her phone. "Hello," she said. "Hi sweetie, um, come to the hospital quick," lorelai said. "Oh o- ok," lilly said with tears. In her eyes, Lilly hung up the phone. Jess looked at lilly. "What's wrong?" He asked. "We need to go to the hospital," lilly replied. "Okay," jess said, and he kept driving. "It's my grandfather he had a heart attack," lilly said after a while. "He's gonna be okay, lills. Don't worry," jess said, now putting his hand on her thigh. They got to the hospital. "Oh my god, rory hi," lilly said, hugging her sister. "Mom's gone home, but we need to stay to check on grandma," rory said. "Not trying to be mean here, but your grandfather is the one in hospital, right?" jess said, putting his arm around lillys waist "Yeah but she's a mess, " rory said with a laugh. A while passed by, and the three teenagers were in the waiting room. "Lilly, who's this?" Emily asked. "Urm grandma, this is my boyfriend, jess," lilly said. "Hi, nice to meet you," jess said, putting his hand out. "Lovely to meet you." Emily replied. "You can all go home. I'll stay here with Richard." Emily said. "Okay, grandma," rory and lilly said insync. "Rory, do you want to come home with us?" Lilly asked. "Sure," rory replied. Jess dropped rory and lilly off, gave lilly a kiss, and drove home.

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