dinners and swans

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"So, how's chilten?" Emily asked. "Chiltens good grandma," rory replied, putting salt on her food. "And lorelai things at the Inn are good?" lillys grandmother asked. "Yes, very good," lorelai replied. "And lilly, what's the name of your boyfriend? Is it Justin?" Emily said. "Jess grandma, and he's good too," lilly said. "You know it would be lovely if the three of us could have dinner with that charming boyfriend of yours," Emily countuined. "How about next friday?"Mom, next Friday night is a bad night, isn't it lills he has an extra shift at lukes, " lorelai said. "Okay, I guess I'll have to meet him with Richard and gran at rorys graduation or, better yet, your graduation," Emily  said. "You know what, grandma, he  might be able to come next friday," lilly said. Good, " Emily replied.

"Hey," jess said, walking up behind lilly and kissing her. "Hey, at your job, are you able to control the hours you have?" Lilly asked, putting her head on his shoulder.  "There's some flexibility," jess said. "Would you be able to have some next friday night? Grandma pressured me to bring you to dinner," lilly said. "Um sure," jess said. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," lilly said, kissing him again.

"Hey guys," rory said. "Hey, I'm forced to go to a Friday night dinner," jess said. "We have a deal," lilly said. "You know I'm gonna hold you to that till the day I die," jess said, kissing her nose and going behind the counter. "I know," lilly said with a sigh. "What's the deal?" rory asked."She has to watch almost famous with me," jess said. "Oh lord," rory said, putting her head in her hands. "What's wrong with almost famous?" Jess asked. "I hate it," lilly said. "Mom forced me and rory to watch it, and she replayed the suicide scene like 1000 times," lilly said. "Womp womp," jess said, kissing her forhead. "Well, fine, can we watch Saturday night fever and have Thai food tomorrow?" Lilly said. Jess nodded. She kissed his cheek and started her shift.

"Hi grandma," lilly and rory said as they walked in the door. "Hi girls. Lilly is jess  coming?" Asked Emily. "Yeah, but the 84 is jammed. Sorry that he's late," lilly replied. The doorbell rang lilly, got up to answer it, and she saw jess with a black eye. "Hey, what happened to your eye?" Lilly asked. "Don't wanna talk about it right now, angel," jess said. Lilly nodded her head. "Hi rory," jess said. "Hi,"  "jess lovely to see you Emily said. "Same here," jess replied. "Come come have a seat at the table," Emily said, leading the way into the kitchen.
"Is it okay, jess," lilly wisperd.  "Can we not talk about it now, please?" Jess asked. "Fine. It looks sore, that's all, " lilly said and followed her grandmother and sister. "Jess lilly tells me your part of the wal-mart Corporation." Emily said. "Only out of necessity," jess replied. "When did it happen?" Lilly asked. "Lilly, can we please not get into it here, please?" Jess asked. "Well, it must have happened between 9:00 last night and now," lilly said. "Yeah, it was," jess replied.  "Rory, can you help me with the mashed paotaos because you know how Mia makes them?" Emily said. Then rory and her grandmother left the room.  "Well, are you gonna tell me or not?" lilly said. "Lilly, I'll tell you when we get back," jess said. "Jess, you got in a fight or something," lilly said.  "I was not in a fight, and I'm trying to make an impression here, I didn't even want to go here tonight," jess said, tapping his fingers on the table. "No one made you come," lilly answered. "You made me," jess said. "The massed paotaos are great grandma." Rory replied. Emily nodded her head. "Grandma, would you mind if I talked to jess for a second we can go to the study?" lilly said. "Rory and I can leave the table if you want," Emily said. "No, it's fine." Repiled the younger gilmore twin. "You're being a little rude to your grandmother, lilly," jess muttered under his breath. Lilly got up and walked to the study, and jess followed her. "I've had it," jess said. "So have  I!" Lilly said. "So now I have to tell my grandmother why my boyfriend showed up with a black eye leaving," lilly said. "Lills?" She heard rory call out, "Come on, let's go have dinner, " rory said, hugging her sister.

"He hasn't called you back?" Rory asked. "Nope, but I don't care he didn't want to tell me I'm going to bed goodnight," lilly said, walking to her room.

Jess pov.
"What's with the eye?" Luke asked. "Nothing, I just don't wanna talk about it," I said as I saw lilly walk into the diner. "Hey," Luke said. "Jess, can we talk?" Lilly asked. I said nothing and walked to the store room. "Jess," Luke said. "What,"  "Why aren't you talking to lilly?" Luke asked. "I dont wanna talk, and last night sucked I'm happy it's behind me," I said. "Okay,"

Third person pov
Lilly went to get food for herself, rory, and her mom. "Lilly," jess said. "Hey," lilly said back. "Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted at grandma's last Friday," lilly said. "It's fine," jess said
"This black eye screwed everything up," he continued. "Next time I go to your grandmothers, I'll try not to have one."  "Next time?" Lilly asked in a cute voice. "Next time," jess replied, kissing her. "Can you tell me what happened?" Lilly asked. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth, senice, we're so into the truth tonight, but you gotta promise not to mock me ever." Jess said. "I promise," lilly replied. "I was reading at larsons dock, and this Swan came and beaked me right in the eye," jess said, running his fingers through lillys hair. Lilly gave a slight chuckle and kissed him.

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