summer nights

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Lilly went into lukes for her shift one morning in July. "Morning Luke," said lilly. "Hey, um, before I start my shift, I think I left my jumper here when I toutered jess, so can I go get it?" lilly said, Luke nodded and lilly went upstairs. Lilly knocked on the door. "You don't need to knock. You live here, " jess Mumbled. "Oh, so I live with you now?" Lilly said with a grin. "Sorry, I thought you were Luke," jess said  and pulled lilly
Into him. "Hi," he said. "Hi," replied lilly. "I think I left my-" lilly started before jess kissed her. "Sorry, what did you leave?" Jess asked,"My jumper, the cream one, it's rorys, but she's already killing me, so I need to give it back, and I also need to work and  are you not supposed to be working." Lilly started to ramble. "Sorry, I'm rambling again," she said, gazing up at jess. "It's a cute angel," he said. "Lilly?" Rory shouted, coming up the stairs. "Do you have my cream jumper?" She asked. Lilly and jess were kissing. "Answer me do you -" she failed to finish her sentence. "Rory, hi," lilly said. "Here's your jumper," lilly continued. " we should probably start working lills come on," jess said. Jess rory and lilly walked down the stairs. "Well, what the hell took you two so long, huh?" Luke asked, looking at lilly and jess. "I thought you went  up  to get rorys jumper," he continued. "Is this an intergation because we did nothing?" jess said with a grin. All three teenagers walked out the door. "Where are you going, jess?" Rory asked. "I'm going to the bookstore," jess replied. "And you lills?" Luke asked."I'm going to find a book with  jess because he recommended a book to me." Lilly said. "Okay, bye , work after, please," Luke said. "Whatever you say, Uncle Luke." Jess said.
"You know the bookstore doesn't open till 11, right?" lilly said, looking at jess. "Oh, I know. I just wanted to ask you a question." He said, giving lilly a long look up and down. "Yeah, what is -" jess made out with her again. "Oh, I don't know the answer to that one," lilly said. Jess kissed her again and ran his finger through her hair. "Well, here's the answer," he said and pulled her into him and began to kiss her again. "I'm well educated in that topic now, thank you," she said. "Ok, I actually wanted to ask you a question. "Have you planned where you gonna live when you're older." Jess asked. "Yeah, new york why," lilly said. "Just wondering." Jess said, and he kissed her neck. A few hours later, the teenagers came back with books in their hands and jess's arms around lillys waist. "Hey, we're closed. I have to go to Rachel's, so yeah, um, only let your mom rory, and Dean in here, okay, no one else," Luke said. "Sure thing, boss," lilly replied. "Look were alone, and it's closed." Lilly said. "Ok, you know your family just lives on coffee, so they're gonna be here in a-" jess said before lilly kissed him. "Mom's gone to harvad with rory and Dean's at his grandparents' place because rory told me she wouldn't be with him all weekend." Lilly said. "So what do you wanna do?" she asked him. Jess and lilly walked upstairs and sat on the sofa. They started making out when they heard a knock on the door. "Luke?" Called a woman. "Jess hi," she said. "Can I help you?" Jess asked. The woman opened the door and walked into the diner. "Hey, jess," said the woman. "Oh mom, hi," jess said. "I'm getting married," said jess's mother. "Mom, the diners closed, and Luke told me to make sure only rory and lorelai come in," jess said. Lilly walked down the stairs. "Hey, jess," said lilly. "Only rory and lorelai," liz asked. "And lilly, but that's it," said jess said. "Lills, this is my mom, liz. Mom, this is lilly. " Said jess interduceing the two. "Nice to meet you are you jess's girlfriend" liz asked. "Well, we're dating, but we haven't talked about it yet," lilly said. "Well, I best be off. Would you like to meet tj over dinner?" Liz asked. "Sure, that's great," jess mumbled. "Does next Friday suit?"We'll talk closer, mom," jess said. "Bye guys," liz replied.

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