Bonus POV for chapter 30- Scents Of Selene

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Selene observed them from where she stood, just a short distance away hidden among the crowd. They were too wrapped up in bond lust to notice her. Her eyes studied the girl. She supposed she was attractive, in a simple —plain sort of way, but Codrin could have any unmated female he wished. She couldn't understand what he saw in Willa. She hadn't even thought that bitch had the claws to snag him with. Selene would blame it on the mate bond —but she knew Codrin better than that. He had been correct, she'd definitely underestimated the young Dr. Grey. Selene's dark eyes glowed with rage, and her face twisted into disgust as she watched Codrin flirt like a horny whelp.

He should be embarrassed.

She knew that look in his eyes, and it twisted her stomach, making her want to vomit. Many lifetimes ago, he used to look at her sister Ina that way. Selene thought Ina's death might have taught him a lesson, but nearly a thousand years later, here they were again. He was no longer that foolish young boy he once was, but he was making a fool out of himself all the same. How a superior male like Codrin could allow himself to be so enamored with such an insignificant little bitch of a wolf —mate or not, Selene could not understand.

Weak wolves should be put down, not kept.

She had been so close to finally having everything she'd wanted. Then the fates had laughed in her face, and attempted to rip it all away again. It wouldn't happen —she wouldn't let it. Codrin would be hers. She had done unspeakable things to get this far, and she wasn't giving up now. She'd hoped she could keep her hands clean in this, appeal to his reasonable side, but she realized now she'd have to get them bloody.

It wouldn't be the first time.

" seems you have been temporarily replaced."

Selene suppressed a shudder as Rafael approached, invading her space, and running a clammy finger down her bare arm. The Spanish Alpha made her skin crawl.

"You know...," he whispered. "There is always room for you in my bed."

Her stomach turned. Rafael had certain...tastes that even she found disturbing, but she knew better than to insult him. She might very well need his help. Selene had spent a thousand lifetimes learning how to use her body as a tool to get what she wanted. Rafael desired her, and she could use that to her advantage. She faced him, hiding her revulsion behind a licentious smile.

Trying her best to sound indifferent, she crooned, "Rafael, you know our Prince has a way with the females. He will take what he wants from her and then discard her. We both know I no longer have...that to give."

A malicious smile twisted his face as his inky eyes roamed lustily over her body, "I've always felt there was something to be said for experience. It's no fun if the plaything is easily broken."

He was vile.

"Really? I'd always thought you enjoyed your broken toys." She smiled coyly.

He raised his chin looking down his nose at her. He would be extremely handsome, if his depravity didn't always show itself just under the surface. She always sensed something dark and evil inside him, and it raised her hackles.

"I find the real pleasure is in the breaking."

She pretended to smooth a wrinkle in her dress, and looked up at him from under her lashes hoping her disgust was well hidden.

"I'm not breakable Rafael."

"Everyone has their breaking point, Selene...even the Prince."

Her brows drew together at his words. What was he playing at? Did he know something about the rising of the Pricolici King or his shadow pack?

"Come to me when you're ready to know true ecstasy Selene. I can take your body places Codrin's too afraid to go..." —his sinister smile sent a chill through her —"that is...if you think you can handle it."

Her eyes flitted back to Codrin and Willa. Codrin hated Rafael, he understood exactly what he was. He may not currently want her for himself, but his sense of decency would drive him to want to protect her from Rafael's clutches. A slow smile spread her full red lips, Rafael's interest in her could work to her advantage in more ways than one.

"You know Rafael"—she brushed her breasts against his arm as she leaned into him— "I might just let you try to break me after all..."


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