Part 7 descendants II

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The isle of the lost

Gill:Hey, man. Hey! Hey, I know you!

Ben:Uh, no. Don't know you,either, man.

Gill:Uh, yeah, you do.Come on, man.Really? Huh?Dude,

I'll give you a hint My dad is quick,slick and his neck...Huh? is thick. Come on, man.

I kn-- Huh? Huh.Huh? Huh.- Oh! You're King Ben! And you're princesse Oakley

Evie:Okay, let's go.

Carlos:Yeah, yeah,

Gill:you are King Ben, and you're J-Jay,Carlos, Evie.

Hey, guys.Oh, Uma's love this!

The hide out

Jay: come on.(hits a danger sign with a rock)

Ben:Wish me luck.(goes to the stair)

Oakley:Good luck.(Oakley smiles)

Jay:All the way up.(points to the stairs)

Evie:Good luck.

Ben:At I don't see a of me with and a fork.(scares mal)


Ben:Mal, I'm so sorryabout our fight.It was all my fault.It........Please come home.(showes her a the ring she got at the coronation)

Mal:Ben,I am home.

Ben:I brought the limo.It's a sweet ride.

Mal:I don't fit in, Ben.I gave it my best shot.And if you think that I can change,I think you're wrong. I tried being the mother Oakley needed but it din't work out for me.

Ben:Then I'll change.I'll skip school and have more fun. I'll even get Oakley a babysitter for it....You know, I-I'll blow off some of my responsibilities.

Mal:-No, no! See? I'm such a bad  influence.It's only a of time before I do something so messed up that not only does the turn on me,but they turn on you And Oakley.

Ben:Don't quit us, Mal.The people love you.Oakley loves you, I love you.Don't you love me?

Mal:I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you,Oakley and it's what's best for Auradon.

Ben:Mal, no, please.Mm.

Mal:Ben...I can't do this.You go,Ben.Ben, go.Please leave.

Oakley:So?Where's Mal?

Ben:She's not coming back.

Evie:What? I'll talk to her. M?Mal,it's Evie.Let me just talk to you for a second.Mal, come on.

Mal: Go away!

Jay :Let's give her a couple hour of to cool off.

Oakley:yeah i don't wanna see her mad that's scary

Carlos:Guys!Where's Ben?



Oakley: daddy!

Evie:Ben, don't us scare like that.

Harry:Don't you?But that's my specialty.


Jay:What did you do with Ben?

Harry:Oh, uh, we nicked  him.Mm-hmm. Yeah.And if you want to see him again, have Mal come to the Chip tonight. Alone. Uma wants a visit. Aw, Jay.Seems like you've lost your touch.



Harry:Hey!(he leaves)(then they climbe to the hide out)

Mal:if you guys neverwould brought  have him here,this never would have happened.What were you thinking?!(Oakley flinches)(jay picks her up)

Evie:He was come with or without us.We just wanted to protect  him.

Carlos:Yeah, and we completelyblew it, guys.

Jay:Okay! Okay.So, what are we do?

Mal:"We" are not anything.This is between Uma and me.And she's a punk.And what?Now I have to go get him.


Carlos:You're have,to go Hook and his rats.

Jay:Yeah, you're gonna need us.

Mal:Uma said to come alone.

Evie:Mal, come on.

Carlos:She said to come alone.I know one thing.I'm not going anywhere.

Jay:We'll be here when you get back.(puts Oakley on the coach)(Mal leaves)

Oakley:Really guys you made her go

Evie:does it look like we have another choice we have to get youre dad somehow.

Carlos:don't worry Oakley ,Mal knows whats she's doing.

Jay:everything will hopefully(Evie punches his arm) 

Evie:everything will be alright.Like carlos said she knows whats she's doing

Oakley: Hopefully(Oakley says under her breath

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