part 8 descendants II

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Ursula's fish and chips

Random pirate:Hey! I wanted the clams.

Uma:And I wanted a sea pony.Life ain't fair!(Mal walks in)

Mal:I'm back.(in a singing voice)

Uma:Loser,party of one.Right this way,please.

Mal:Place stinks.

Uma:Oh, I'm sorry.We're down a butler today...Princess.(mal sits down)

Mal:Where is he?

Uma:You know,I've dreamed of this.You wanting something from me,and me you squirm

like a worm on a hook.

Mal:I'm so flattered that you dream  of me.I haven't given you a thought since I left.

Uma:Obviously. You have your perfect,little life, don't you?Doesn't she have the perfect, life?

And we're 20 years into a strike.

Mal:Listen, if you havesome kind of score to with me,game on.I see no need to bring   Ben into this.

Uma:It may be a little unnecessary,but, oh,it is so much fun.Here's the deal.

Mal:Just like your mother--always a catch.

Uma:If you win..Ben is free to go.Hmm?Don't you want to knowwhat I get if I win?

Mal:Still dreaming.

Uma:Mm.Last time I checked,your mother thought she had things all sewn up, too, huh?How'd that work outfor her again?(puts her hand on the table for a arm restle)

Mal:On three.




Uma:You know,that whole princesse act?Ugh.  i never bought it for a second.You can a tiaraon a villain,but you're stilla villain.

Mal:And you can slap a pirate hat on,but you're still a Shrimpy.(fake gaps then her eyes glow green)

Uma :If I bring me the wand.(mal loses the armwrestle) 

Uma:Now... if you want your beasty boy back,bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand to my ship tomorrow at 12:00, and if you can kiss your baby goodbye.

Hide out

Evie:There's no way we're gonna

give Uma the wand.

Oakley: yeah ,We can't just let her destroy Auradon.

Uma doesn't get the wand,

Carlos:then Ben is toast, guys.

Evie:Right, so, we're gonnagive Uma, of all people,the wand.

Jay:Do we have another choice?

Mal:Wait! You guys! Your 3D printer.

Carlos:A fake  wand?


Carlos:In my sleep.

Evie:And the second Uma tests it,she'll know it's fake.

Oakley:Well, okay, so then we just get my dad out fast.

Mal:We need some kind of diversion.

Jay:smoke bombs That's perfect.

Evie:I'll get the chemicals I need

from Lady Tremaine's place.That work.Oh, and sick hair,by the way.Evil stepmom seriouslystepped up her game.

Mal:Okay, do you want to know something? Dizzy did this.

descendants :ben's adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now