Chapter 7

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I entered the captains cabin slowly behind wooyoung and yunho, seeing everyone else already there sarounding the desk where hongjoong was stood patiently waiting for us.

"Before I start the meeting, I want to announce that hwaseong is now officially a member of Ateez, she's a part of the family, so treat her with respect" hongjoong announced, stairing deeply into mingis annoyed eyes whilst everyone else clapped and cheered in joy.

"Alright now, obviously you all know that me and yeosang have been planning a route to get to Apolline" the captain commented and everyone nodded with serious faces as I just listened intensely. "We will be heading there from today, we should get there in about two days" he added whilst yeosanv neatly placed down a map on the desk of the sky with little floating islands scattered around it.

"We figured that the best route would be this one, since it's faster, so will be passing past Tahitie" yeosang declared, placing his finger lightly on the map, tracing the route we'll be taking to Apolline with it. "Why do you need a route, we're in the sky" I asked a little confused as to why all this planning was made to get to a small rock in the sky.

"Becuase the sky also has some obstacles that might get in the way, honey" mingi remarked to which I rolled my eyes, pinning my focus back to the map. "We'll be passing by Tahitie, but we won't be stopping there" yeosang mentioned, rolling up the map to put it away.

"Why" I asked curiously, looking at yeosang, who opened up a wooden cabinet, putting the map in it neatly. "Becuase yunho isn't welcome there" the blonde answered as I turned my head to look at the mentioned male, seeing him looking away in disappointment.

"I'm curious to know what you've done, but I won't dare to ask" I laughed, hearing everyone else join in. "Yeosang, can you go stear the ship in the direction of Apolline, jongho I'll need you up in the corws nest for a bit" hongjoong commanded and the two nodded, leaving the crowded room.

"That's all, you may all leave" the captain said with a smile as he sat down at his desk, looking through some papers. We all nodded respectfully before making our way to the exit of the captains cabin.

"Are you excited to see Appoline, tomorrow you'll also be able to see Tahitie" seonghwa said with a joyful smile as he walked beside me to the edge of the deck to look at the beautiful view of the setting sun.

"I am, I always dreamed of going on an adventure and seeing the world" I mentioned, looking at seonghwa with a smile, seeing the sun illuminate seonghwas skin, causing a gorgeous golden glow.

"Apolline is absolutely beautiful, you'll love it there" the older said softly before leaving me to look at the sun set alone, taking in the beauty of the world I always dreamed to see.


I woke up stretching my body with a smile as the sun rays shone through my window brightly. I got out of bed lazily making my way to the kitchen to eat with the crew.

"Hwaseong, come sit next to me" wooyoung yelled out joyfully showing me an adorable smile. "It's your time eating with us as a member of our crew, how exciting" the blonde added to which I giggled.

"We should be passing by Tahitie soon" yeosang mentioned as he entered the room, taking a seat beside hongjoong who was enjoying his toast. "I can't wait to arrive in Apolline, finally a nice break" hongjoong added which made all the boys burst into laughter.

"Jongho, you should rest, you've been at the corws nest all night" seonghwa said and jongho nodded, leaving the kitchen with a tired look on his face. "You too yeosang" seonghwa added, staring at the blonde who placed his cutlery on the table. "I wish I could, but I need to make sure the ship is on course" he replied to which seoghwa nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for the food seonghwa" I said as I took my empty plate to the sink wanting to wash it. "No need, I'll clean it" the cook said and I nodded, leaving the kitchen to go up to the deck for some morning fresh air.

When I got there I spotted an object far in the distance, floating in the sky. I was shocked, it was a huge rock floating in the middle of the sky.

"Guys hurry, we made it to Tahitie" I heard mingi yell from behind me. In seconds the boys including jongho who looked really tierd arrived at the deck to look at the island we where slowly approaching.

"Yeosang, get the wheel" hongjoong commanded to which the blonde followed, running to the quarter deck to steer the ship. My eyes widened as they layed along the beauty of the island.

It was a massive floating rock with an entrance to what I was assuming was Tahitie. There were many other ships entering and leaving the cave. It was extraordinary, something I never thought ill see.

The cave had multiple waterfalls and greenery growing on the outside, I could only imagine how the village looked like on the inside of the cave.

"Tahitie is beautiful isn't it" hongjoong said suddenly, scaring me a little as he stood beside me, looking at the island with awe. "It is, are all the islands like this" I asked hearing a giggle escape from the captains mouth.

"Every island is unique in its own way, but yes, every single one is hidden away in a cave" he asnwered and I gasped a little, still shocked about all this. "Are you from an island" I asked, pinning my gaze from the island to the raven haired male who looked at the entrance of the cave with a pained smile.

"I was born on the Mist like you... the ship, but the boys were born on islands, I'm sure they would love to tell you about their home" hongjoong exclaimed to which I nodded turning my head towards Tahitie.

"The boys all have interesting, but painful backstorys, but they definitely miss home" hongjoong mentioned before leaving for the captain's cabin with sadness on his eyes.

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