🕷Hellbound Hospitality (Angel Dust)🕷

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Requested by: eylulaydin14

Pairing: Angel Dust & innocent!fem!Reader

Summary: Y/N is an innocent soul that was sent to Hell by accident. She was spending her first day around the streets of Hell when a shady demon approaches her...

Warning: Slight mentions of abuse, Valentino being Valentino, and swears.

POV: 2nd person


You woke up in a strange place.

There was chaos amongst every corner. Demon-like creatures running amuck, fires burning down buildings, you heard screams and swears being yelled in the distance...

But perhaps it was hellish because...it's Hell.

Okay, yeah...it's starting to come to you. You remembered your death, how you died...all of that. 

But one thing was still uncertain to you.

Why the fuck were you in Hell?!

You scraped your mind for something that could've remotely explained why you ended up here, but nothing came.

Maybe you were sent down here by accident? I mean, that was the only explanation.

All your life you were kind, empathetic, and sweet.

Ugh, you needed to clear your head. 

You stood up and walked around Hell, searching for a decent place to get a drink. You tried to cover up your fear by wearing a brave expression as you confidently strutted among the chaos as if you owned it all.

Finally, you came across a small restaurant. "Ozzie's" it read. You shrugged and stepped in.

There was a wide stage in the center, a robotic-looking clown was singing something as gracefully glided along the stage for the other demons watching.

You sat yourself down at the counter. "What'll it be?" The bartender asked in a bored voice.

"Something strong," you replied confidently. The last thing you needed was for the other demons to know how vulnerable you really were. For now you had to just play along with the whole "sinner" act.

The bartender raised her eyebrows. "Ma'am, are you sure?"

Not really.

"Yeah," you said, leaning back on the stool a bit.

The bartender shot you a strange look but turned around to fix up your drink.

You drummed your fingers on the counter, bopping along to the song that was being sung by the clown, now accompanied with a few other demons.

"Little imp, you came here to sing your serenade, perform your feelings on a velvety stage? Well, we gotta saying that's popular in these parts."

"Only little bitches strum the strings of their hearts!"

Hm, is all of that part of this?

"Here you are ma'am," the bartender said, laying a shot glass in front of you.

"Thanks," you said, lifting the glass to your lips.

Wow...that is strong.

You felt a little dizzy but shook your head. "Another one of these!" You called, shaking the glass.

WHAT AM I SAYING??  You thought.

That's when a tall moth demon approached you. "Oh, see you're having my favorite..." he said seductively. "Aye! Ring me up two of those!" He barked to the bartender. She narrowed his eyes and him but spun around to fix up the drinks.

He turned to you. "Haven't seen you around these parts...you seem lost," he said, almost babying you. "You gotta name gorgeous?" He asked, tilting your chin up.

"Uh...Y/N," you said dismissively, scooching away from him.

"Ooh! How lovely...and very fitting for a beautiful princessa like yourself," he grinned, taking a sip from his shot. "I'm Valentino..."

"Umm...yeah," you muttered, swirling around your drink.

"Alright, I see you...you don't want to talk. That's fine. I'll just get straight into it. How would you like to be a star?" He offered.

"No thank you," you replied, not looking up from your drink.

"Aww c'mon...imagine it. All the fame, fortunate, love from all the other demons in Hell? All I ask is that you sign...right here," he said, summoning a scroll from his hand.

He pushed it in front of you. "C'mon...just sign right here, and all of that will be yours for just a small price..." he tapped the signature line.

"Hey! Did you not hear her? She's not interested!" You heard a voice shout.

Valentino perked up and wore a twisted smile. "Ah...Angel. This doesn't concern you!" He waved him off.

"Oh, but it does!" The demon now named Angel snapped, grabbing your wrist. "Go fuck with someone else Val! She doesn't deserve a life engrossed in sex and self-hatred!"

Valentino growled. "You may be able to run around freely now, but tomorrow in the studio, you'll be sorry you ever spoke to me like that!" He spat.

The stranger tugged you away. "Fucking bastard..." he grumbled.

"Y-yeah..." you agreed. "Um, who are you?"

"The name's Angel Dust," he replied.

"Angel Dust..." you echoed. "That sounds familiar."

Angel Dust looked away bashfully. "Yeah, I'm a pretty popular...pornstar," he said bitterly.


"I work for Valentino. And you would've become one too if you signed that contract," he warned.

Your eyes widened. "What?"

"That's what he does. He recruits low-down sinners to work for him in exchange for partial ownership of your soul. No quitting, no retiring. You'd work for him and obey him for the rest of your afterlife."

You felt your words sink down to the pit of your stomach. You were so close to...losing control...you'd ALMOST signed it!!

"Thank you," is all you could muster.

"It's no problem. I'm not letting anyone else suffer from the same fate as me."

You nodded.

"You never told me your name..."

"Y/N," you said with a smile. "My name's Y/N, and I just got here..."

Angel tilted his head. "What do you mean 'here'?"

"Hell," you replied.

He raised his eyebrows. "Wow, really glad I got you out of there. Let me lead you back to the hotel, you'll need a place to sleep." He said with a wink.

"Well...thank you again, for everything."

He took your hand. "Follow me, I'll be your guide...if you're okay with it, of course."

You smiled. "I am! I'm glad I met you, Angel Dust."

He chuckled.

From there, you could tell this was going to be a the start of a really close friendship.


A/N: I set up a new username! I now go by @earth_angel17 like the song, "Earth Angel"!

I like it a lot better than my last username. I changed it because I decided it was a bit strange (my old username, that is) and I wanted something a little more creative.

It's also easier to refer to me now as "earth angel" or "angel" for short :)

(Also, I'm still very much in the Hazbin Hotel fandom, not to worry.)

That's all~!


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